Chapter 22 (critical condition, the Underground fight);

-A few weeks have past in Beijing-

- in Steven Lung's residence-

Steven Lung- Nessa where are you?

Selena- father I'm at my fiancé's house I'm sorry I didn't call you the whole day

Steven Lung -that's fine I know what the young people is doing (he chuckle)

Selena -what the- no father!

Steven Lung -alright , I'm gonna go come back home soon you have to prepare for the wedding

Selena- alright father , bye

-And they hang up -

-Another phone call again -

Steven Lung -hello?

Norman Klein- Steven sorry to disturb you

Steven Lung -Norman… finally you guys called

Norman Klein -Sylvester said we're all gonna meet in our villa be there in 2 minutes

Steven Lung -alright

-2 minutes late in Bear Lairs Villa-

- Steven is in front of the big villa-

Guy 1 -sir boss's is inside

-Steven nod his head-

-inside the villa-

Declan Romanov- he's here

Steven Lung- what's the sudden rush?

Serena Livingstone- we made it…

- Steven suddenly lower his head and make a unfamiliar face-

Mallory Barclay -we finally get rid of the Torricélli's

- Steven smiled widely-

Steven Lung -please tell me I heard it right

Marcellus Barclay -you heard right Brad

-Marcellus smirk-

-Steven walk closer to them and hug them-

Steven Lung -so what happen to it ?

Stanley Livingstone- we attack them while they were resting , we killed every single one of them even their people , we destroy their shipments , we destroy their business , now their gone there's no longer a Torricélli

Steven Lung- we should celebrate then

-Steven suddenly look Sylvester-

Steven Lung -we don't look to happy huh…

-Steven pout his mouth to Sylvester's direction and they look at him -

Steven Lung -hey… Sylvester what's the matter? Aren't you happy that we defeated the Torricélli's?

-Sylvester is not responding while his expression is mad , raise his eyebrows and crossed both his arms-

Seraphina Clifford - I- uhmm… don't mind us you know we're still worried about Victoria she hasn't woken up yet and we haven't seen her since we left and we directly go back here instead in UK

-Seraphina look. Little bit on Sylvester-

Seraphina Clifford -Sylvester is… worried about her (she whisper)

Steven Lung- oh… I understand , so why didn't you guys went back directly in UK?

Leona Romanov -because we heard there's gonna have a fight next month , so it means we only have 2 more weeks before the next month and… this fight is an underground fight

Steven Lung between. Guys a girl fight mix one?

Leona Romanov- yes and we're thinking that something might go wrong . We all know that only Victoria is the Boss when it comes to fight and she always doing this but we don't wanna ignore this as for Vic we want to be theater all of us

Steven Lung sure, sure we'll be there I won't miss the fight for my nephew

*phone rings*

-Sylvester answered the phone-

Sylvester Clifford -Whattt!!?

Sylvester Clifford -I'm coming! I'm coming

-Sylvester hang up the phone-

Seraphina Clifford -hey what happened?

Sylvester Clifford- Liam just called and he said Victoria is having a major bleeding in he back , I have to go back now in UK

Seraphina Clifford -what! Oh my gosh (Seraphina starting to panick)

Mathilda Klein -alright you guys leave now we're gonna take care everything don't worry about it ok?

Seraphina Clifford -thank you , come on let's go

-and they left-

Steven Lung- god , what is going on I hope she's ok

-7:00 pm their having a dinner-

Selena -father… you're here

(Selena hug Steven)

Steven Lung- hey… sorry we're late

Andrew- were?

Steven Lung- the mafians are back in Beijing , so I decided to invite them if that's ok?

Jonathan Liang- why not… we also wants to talk with them

Marcellus Barclay- and what is the Aircrafts Pilot Engineer Mr. Liang wants to talk about us?

-and they all walk in with a black luxury clothes-

Troy- damn….. their presence is way more stronger than before

Andrew- their Aura is giving me goosebumps

Oliver Wang- ahem… pleasure to meet you again please take a seat

-they take a seat-

Oliver Wang -we heard the fight between the Torricélli's

Declan Romanov -correct, we killed them

-Troy,Jacob,Selena and the others coke their food and splash the others water-

Jacob -what?!

Selena -k-killed?

Serena Livingstone -why so surprised? As if you all don't know what a Mafia's are

Vilma Wan- I - w-we just , we're sorry we don't mean to offend you

🐤 ...

Steven Lung -anyways next month there's gonna be an underground fight here in Beijing and if you guys don't mind you can come with us

Victor Chen -underground fight?

-Steven Lung mod-

Gloria Jia -can you tell us more about this underground fight

Mathilda Klein -Street fighting is hand-to-hand combat in public places, between individuals or groups of people. The venue is usually a public place and the fight sometimes results in serious injury or occasionally even death. Some street fights can be gang-related

Troy -oh damn

Elijah -that sounds fun but at the same time scary

Stanley Livingstone -you don't have to come if you don't want to , we're just doing this for our nephew Victoria

Leone -we're coming , expect us to be there

-they nod-

Andrew -if you don't mind me asking where did the Cliffords go?

Serena Livingstone- Sylvester and Seraphina went back to UK same day after we return from Italy , Liam called and said Victoria is having a major bleeding on her back so they have to leave

Leone's perspective (oh shit… I wonder how is Liam)

(Leone with a shock reaction)

-then Leone suddenly scoot back from his chair-

Leone- would you please excuse me for a moment I'm just gonna have a phone call

- Leone get up and left-

Selena- h-hey w-

Selena excuse me too (Selena also left)

Jacob -what just happen?

(Meanwhile outsides the restaurant)

Leone- Liam , how's everything going? I heard Victoria had a major bleeding

Liam *sigh* yes she did but she's fine now

Leone -what happen?

Liam -when I was coming to check on her I went to her room and when I came in I saw he bed full of blood she's almost bathing in her own blood and she's having a seizure , so I called the doctor and of course I didn't hesitate to call Mr. Clifford

Leone -oh god… h-how are you feeling? Are you ok?

Liam -I'm not gonna lie , I got panicked and I don't know what am I gonna do

Leone -that's normal for us , just have faith

Liam -thanks brother

Leone -always

- and the hang up-

Selena -hey , is something wrong?

Leone -no not at all I just called Liam

Selena -oh I see how is he anyways?

Leone -he's doing fine , he's still there by Victoria's side

Selena -everything will be fine , everything will go back to normal again

-they hug each other-

Elijah -ahem…

Selena -oh I'm going back first

-Selena left-

Leone -what's up

-they walk closer to Leone-

Andrew -how is our brother?

Leone -I don't know men… I feel like he's not doing so good every time I'm going to call him all he say if "I'm fine , I'm good , etc"

Jacob -we all k ow Liam , he's just being Liam

Troy -you know what I'm Thinking about?

Andrew -not again , you'll probably thinking stupid now huh

Troy -what! No of-course not l what I'm about to say I'd why don't we go visit Liam in UK

Elijah -huh not bad

Troy -alright it's settle then

(Jacob walks toward Leone)

Jacob -hey… don't stress too much

Leone- I know , I know

Andrew -come on let's go back inside

(Back in UK)

Sylvester Clifford -where is she? Come sta Mia figlia (In Italian) translation: how is my daughter

Liam -Mr. Clifford , Victoria is fine now the doctor said she overt bleeding accompanied by a decrease in the HB level of 2g/dL of pack3d red cells occurring at a critical site and the normal connections between never cells in the brain that cause her being in a seizure

Seraphina Clifford- oh my god

(A few minutes have past without saying a words and Sylvester and Seraphina are looking at Victoria worried)

Liam -uhmm…. I should leave you guys

(And Liam turn back and about to leave the room)

Sylvester Clifford -thank you… for taking care of Victoria

(Liam with a shock reaction)

Liam -that's not a problem Mr. Clifford I'll always do that as much as I can till forever

Seraphina Clifford- next month there's gonna be an underground fight that's gonna held in Beijing we all invited you all to come , as you all know my daughter is the Boss when it comes to fight but sadly she can't come and we don't wanna ignore it

Liam -expect me to be there to… support her

(And Liam left the room, while with a little smile)

-1 week later-

Troy- so when we going to visit UK?

Andrew -I don't know , you should be the one preparing that for us

Troy -argh… fine I'll do that later

*phone rings*

Leone- hello

Liam -is everyone in there with you?

Leone -uh… yes , why?

(Leone put the speaker up)

Troy -is that Liam ? (He whisper)

(Leone nod)

Liam -I'm going back tomorrow in Beijing

Elijah -huh did something happen?

Liam -no no no there's nothing wrong the Cliffords mention there's gonna have a fight so I have to go back

Leone -yeah sure, I'll get you're men's to prepare you're chauffeur

Liam -alright I'll have to go I need to pack

Troy -but we-

(And Liam hang up)

-Andrew laugh-

Troy- stupid bastard

-next day in UK-

-Liam put his luggage in the back of his car-


Seraphina Clifford -you're leaving now Mr. Liam?

Liam -morning *he bowed his head a little bit* yes I'm leaving to go back to Beijing

Sylvester Clifford -thank you again for being here for Victoria

Liam -it's not a big deal Sir

Seraphina Clifford -I guess we'll see you next month

Liam -sure we'll just have to wait 1 more weeks till next month

-10 hours and 5 minutes later in Beijing In the Airport-

Jacob -brother you've finally arrive it's been a half month since we saw each other

Leone -we miss you

(Leone hug Liam)

Elijah -come on let's go back to our hotel

- a few hours later in their hotel and bars-

Andrew -so what happen while you were in UK?

Liam -it's kinda pressuring me tho

Troy- I haven't even seen my sugarplum

Liam -sugarplum?

Jacob -his "girl"

Andrew -in short "Phoebe"

Liam -Phoebe? The hacker of the Fatal group?

Elijah -indeed

-Liam chuckle-

Girl 1 -hey handsome

Girl 2 -let us buy you a drink

Andrew -no thanks

Girl 1 -don't scared them girl, why don't I taste you Han-

Liam -get you're hands of off me!

Girl 1- oh don't be like t-

Liam -If you don't get you're filthy hand off me I will drag you out myself in my hotel right now

- the girls are being terrified-

Troy -HAHAHAHA too much hoes

Some other people gossiping- oh no their in big trouble

Strangers -they did not just said that to the Boss's

Strangers -hey do you know that their the owner of these hotel and bars?

Strangers -the most famous one

Girl 1 -what!? You're Mr. Liam Chen the heir to the Chen enterprise?

Liam -now you know who I am , come near me one more time and I won't hesitate to throw you out to Africa

-Liam left , and the girls got scared of Liam-

Girl 2 -perspective (he is so scary)

-meanwhile I'm their Villa-

Elijah- finally we're back to this villa

Andrew -I can finally rest

Nara- brothers (she hug them)

Troy -what the heck how did you get here?

Leone -Hat are you doing here Nara?

Nara -please don't be like that…. I just want to visit you all

Jacob -stop pretending already Nara. You should go back now and Liam is not in a good mood so don't make him way more angrier

Nara -please don't do this

-Liam push Nara-

Liam -just go back! Nara and don't bother us anymore

-and Liam left to go inside , and so the others-

Nara's perspective ( you're all stubborn , I won't let you go off so easily especially you Liam)

-1 week later and the first date of the month-

Victor Chen -so this is the day

Steven Lung -we should go then this is gonna be fun (Steven smirk)

Troy -alright let's go

- meanwhile in Wild Fury club Fight-

Troy -oh shit this isn't what I expect it to be

-people cheering, and loud cheering while two people are fighting in the ring-

Selena -oh gosh this is too loud

Leone -are you alright? Do you wanna leave?

Selena -no it's fine , this is a fight of course they have their vote to those who are fighting

Leone -alright then

Steven Lung -here they are

Troy -aahhh!! My sugarplum is here it's been a whole year , I haven't seen you

-Andrew spank Troy's head-

Andrew- what are you talking about…. Whole year don't be too dramatic

Marina Wang- Mrs. Gray? You're here too?

Rose Gray -of course I wouldn't missed this fight

Sylvester Clifford -you guys here ear,y

Victor Chen -we all meet again

Seraphina Clifford -alright let's go to VIP room the next fight will began

-In VIP room where they can see the whole fight-

Referee- for our next fighters let me introduce you our first opponent… Daiyu

Elijah -hold up… Daiyu? Isn't she one of our people who trained with us before when we were in army?

Jacob -what is she doing here? Don't tell me she's one of the fighters too?

Liam -what else can we do she's already in there

(Crowd cheering)

Referee -and our last opponent is…. Dagger

(Crowd screams)

Steven Lung -you've got to be fucking kidding me!

Selena -father is something wrong?

Steven Lung -this guy's real name is Shan Feng! This guy is a serial killer Daiyu is no match to him

Troy -What!!? Serial killer?

Elijah -Daiyu can defeat this guy

Steven Lung -that's not easy, this guy is trained to kill

Justin Li -Who?

-Justin with a confused asf expression-

Rose Gray- he went into an intensive fighting program this underground ring is just fun for him. He was thought more than a simple underground fight techniques

Leone- wait wait wait hold up , you trained him?

Rose Gray -what? No of course not

Seraphina Clifford -worst

Regina Chen- what do you mean worst?

Darcy -Victoria did

Liam -the Falcon?

Maureen -yes

Liam's perspective (I wouldn't be so surprise) *he chuckle*

Selena -are you serious?

Darcy- Victoria herself, Dagger was her little protégée , he copied his master

Steven Lung -we need to stop this fight , now

Naomi -can't let you do that Mr. Lung

-she said with a death stare and black his way-

Leone -alright we don't have to fight , calm down

Referee -fighters! Take positions

Dagger- this time I'll make it more interesting if I win I'm taking the doll out on a date , a date that goes by my own rules

-Dagger smirk-

Dagger- you can always back up if you're scared doll

Daiyu -deal then but if I win you'll kneel down to me and I will throw you out to Africa

Dagger -deal

-and the fight starts-

- a few more punches-

Daiyu's perspective ( argh… he's well mor train than I thought) *while touching her stomach*

Dagger -can you still fight doll?

Daiyu- y-you b-bet

-Dagger laugh-

-back in VIP room-

Leone Romanov -everybody has a weakness

People's gossiping- who is that? Heading towards the ring? Is someone gonna fight too?

Liam -what is going on? Who is that?

Andrew -already got up in the ring

Dagger -who do you think you are to Interpret my fight!?

-he said angrily-

-Unknown person remove the hood-

Hello there , Dagger!

-Dagger got surprise and step back a little bit-

Dagger -y-you , why are you here?