Chapter 25 (18+)

Naomi- I guess your gonna be the next bride , sister *she wink and teases her*


-Troy and Andrew looks at Liam at the same time while Liam is in the middle center-

Liam- don't start ,I'm telling you!!!

Leone- I wonder who's her groom?

-they laugh while teasing him-

Host- and for our next groom's best mans , gentlemens can you please come here. Mr. Leone here's the thing you're gonna throw that garter and whoever catch it his gonna put it in our next bride's leg up into her thigh ok?

-as they walk in the center and Leone walks up on stage and turn around as his ready to throw the garter-

Host- I'm gonna count in 3…2…1…

As the boys cheering - I knew it HAHAHHAAH you're th next groom Liam!

-and Liam is a little bit shock-

Host- whohooo…. Mr. Liam , Ms. Victoria will you guys come here in the middle

-and they walk in and Victoria seat on the royal chair and a Liam kneel down and ready to put the garter on-

Host- ok everyone Mr. Liam you can now put the garter on

-and some music starts to play-

Liam- do I have you're permission?

(While looking at her)

Victoria - I-uhm do we have a choice ?

-she said fiercely-

-and Liam chuckle-

-Liam put it under her knee cap-

Host- is that it? Do you like that everyone?

Host and the people- higher!!! *they scream and clap* higher, higher , higher

-and they look each other and Liam started to out it into her legs-

(While Liam is sweating and blushing as he controlled his self)

Host- whohooo thank you everyone *and they clapped*

Elijah- he is so red *he laugh*

-as the day past , in Leone and Selena's honeymoon -

Leone- this is our first night as a husband and wife

-while Leone is unbuttoning his tuxedo-

-Selena giggle-

Selena- well my husband , are you ready for the fun part? *she smirk*

Leone- are you ready? Cause this time I won't hold back anymore

-Selena grab Leone into bed-

Selena- you're really not lying when you said you won't hold back *while she's mumbling*

Leone's perspective ( My heart racing as I devour her dripping p****. Her body starts to convulse as she starts to cum. I quickly slurp up her juices as she flows all over my face. I get up close between her legs as I grab my hard cock and start to play with her overly sensitive clit. Before I slide into her wet juice throbbing p**** I tell her "are you ready to finally have me inside you" before she can fully respond I interrupt her response as I slide into her. Her lips quiver and her words turn into moans. As she grabs my butt to pull me all the way in. I slow her down as I control the speed of me entering her. I whisper into her ear " I want you to feel every inch slide into you and spread you open" she moans " I want you fully inside me" I thrust deeper and deeper as the base of my cock presses up against her P**** she wraps her arms around my back and begins to dig her nails into me signaling that I'm hitting the right spot. She moans into my ear that she loves the way my cock feels inside her)

Selena- I want more *she panting and whisper*

-as the bed starts to creaked and creaked as they go hard and starts to heat every single minute as the time is being hotter Selena can't stop from moaning as Leone can't controlled his self from being hard to Selena , and she is so restless as her right arm starts to crawl the bedside table and starts to make a mess while her left arm is touching Leone's hair as Leone is kissing her neck with so much passion-

Selena- ughhh…. Uugghhh

-1 week after the wedding-

Narrator: and the days have been good for all of them as they all become business partners and started to be close to each other

-in the airport-

Victoria - well I guess this is the end *she smiled*

Maximus- oh puh-lease , let's not called it a "END" it's called goodbye for now

-Victoria laugh and hug Maximus-

Victoria - you better take care and be alert when you get back to Washington *she wink*

Maximus- aah… NASA again

Victoria- call me if you need something alright?

Maximus- alrighty

-and Maximus left and went inside the jet-

- a few hours back in Mrs. Gray's company -

Rose Gray- hey everyone

-and they greet everyone -

Rose Gray- were having a dinner tonight

Seraphina Clifford - sure… where should we eat? Should we reserved in the restaurant?

Leone- if you all want , we can have a dinner in our Villa

Troy- yeah that's great so you guys can see our villa we design it really good right boys?

Driver- excuse me Ms. Darcy I'm gonna leave, Ms. Vic just called

Darcy- ok

Andrew- where she at?

Maureen- she at the airport

Jacob- what is she doing there?

Darcy- Maximus is leaving the country his going back to NASA so they have to say goodbye

-Liam suddenly looks down and Leone glance at him-

Troy- oh I see

-in the evening 7:30 pm in the Big villa of the boys-

Leona Romanov- this is pretty huge and it has a lot of fountains and giant pools

Elijah- sorry if there's a lot of people right now

Marcellus Barclay- that's alright

-they walk in to go to the dining area , Liam is in the hallway-

Waitress 1 -did you hear that?

Waitress 2- heyy keep you're voice down Mr. Liam is here

Victoria's one of her people- President Chen , nice meeting you again

Liam- we've met before back in Italy

Victoria's one of her people- yes , I just need to tell you something, back in Italy I heard you and the Falcon were talking that time and it seems you two were arguing-

Liam- let's not talk about it

Victoria's one of her people- you misunderstood The Falcon , the day she left and went back at night with Sir Maximus the fact is she ask him to help her to distract our opponent so the Torricélli's mens can be distracted so we can attact them

-Liam suddenly got shock and stand still-

Liam- what did you say?

Victoria's one of her people- uhm…. I'm gonna head out now

-and she left -

Liam's perspective (so I- I misunderstood her then)

-as they eat and talk and laughing-

Troy- Mr. Levingstone do I have you're approval to be your daughter's lawfully husband? *he burp*

Phoebe- what the…

Andrew- I am so sorred- To-roy is drrRunked zo he don't knows wha- he's ding *andrew suddenly fell down his head on the table*

-they laugh-

Rose Gray- I guess they have too much liquors

Naomi- HAHAHAHAA too drunk

Leone- you know what , you guys can sleep here tonight

Rose Gray- that's good

-meanwhile at the balcony and the moon is bright and facing it-

*footsteps approach*

Liam- looking at the moon?

Victoria- you're here too

Liam- I want to tell you something

*Victoria nod*

Liam- I'm sorry

-Victoria suddenly look on her right side-

Liam- I misunderstood you that night when we were in Italy ,I shouldn't have let my anger win

Victoria - I know , past is past

Liam- hope you can forgive me

Victoria- apology accepted

-and they look each other deeply-

-Liam suddenly kiss Victoria, as he approach her lips Victoria suddenly grab Liam way more closer to him-

To be continue….