Chapter 38 (she’s back bitch!)

-the next day 9:00 am-

Jonathan Liang- is anyone going to the company or doing anything today?

Serena Livingstone- Me and Stanley will go meet one of our client for 30 minutes but we'll be back

Declan Romanov- Me and Leona will check our people but we'll be right back maybe half an hour

Rose Gray- Me , Madam Bao, and Don Luciano will be staying here all day so were all good

Don Luciano- we'll be guarding the Villa i guess

Leone- Nessa is still sleeping and I'm going to the market to buy something for Nessa… she's starting to have cravings *he whisper*

Sylvester Clifford- well i guess we're all going out except the 4 people

Madam Bao- but you all need to come back here , our vacation is not done yet we all still have one more celebration. New Year's day

Everyone- Yes Madam Bao

-and they all left-

-40 minutes later , in the city-

Liam- I'll see you later , Sunshine call me when you need me don't hesitate

Victoria- i will

-and she left -

Victoria's perspective- Now we'll deal with this fucker who's been messing with me *while she's walking fiercely with a smirky dead looks on her face*

-in the company of Victoria , in her office-

PA- Ms. Clifford? What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be on a vacation?

Victoria- Well I just thought of coming here because I have something…. to do *she smirk*

PA- hmm… i know this look Ms. Clifford *she smiled*

-then Victoria raise her eyebrows while still smirking-

PA- do you need my help? Ms. Clifford? *she also smirk*

Victoria- oh hell yeah…

PA- ok so what do i need to do

-she suddenly rush to seat and put both her hands on the table-

-1 hour later , in the Jin company-

Assistant - Ms. Jin we have a problem *while trembling*

Nara- What?

Assistant- The growth of our stocks are getting lower , the price of our company drops for 30% and some of our partnerships drop our contract and they don't wanna go back in our company anymore

Nara- WHAT!! *her eyes got bigger and she's angry* What happened? Did something happen? Why all of sudden?!!

Assistant- I-i don't know

Nara- get everyone in the meeting room, NOW!!!! *she shout*

-in the meeting room-

Nara- Can somebody tell me how this happened!!! *she shout*

-while pointing in the Large Screen Signage-

Nara- look at the price of our sales!!! Before it was 30% now it is only 20% , fuck!!!!

Colleague- this happened so sudden in our company *while trembling*

Nara- This never happened to me , THIS NEVER HAPPENED TO THE JIN COMPANY!!!!

Another Colleague- w-we n-need to work this out

Nara- oh sure hell we do need to!!! After this meeting i want you all to talk to everyone to get back in our company we can't lose a million partnership…

Everyone- Yes , Ms. Jin

-a few hours later in the Company of the Chen-

*knock knock*

Liam- come in

Min- Sir Liam here's the usb you need

-and he place it on his table-

(Notes: Min is Liam's Personal Chauffeur and Min is younger)

Liam- thank you

Min- Ahem… Sir, I heard that the Jin company has a serious problem. I heard their stocks got lower 30% and some of their big Business Partners left too

Liam- What happened? *with a normal expression*

Min- Well it was your future wifey's plan *he smirk*

-Liam smiled devilishly-

Liam- My fiancée is being a badass, i guess we'll gonna pay her a visit *he smirk and looks devilish*

Min- after you Sir

-a few minute later in the company of the Clifford-

PA- Ms. Clifford , your order to me is done *she wink*

Victoria- good

PA- so what's our next plan?

Victoria- I'll let you know tomorrow *she smirk*

Liam- So you won't tell me your plans , Sunshine?

-and the two looks at behind them-

PA- President Chen

Victoria- Amore…

-at the same time she get up and walk to go to him while both her hands are up to hug Liam-

*kiss, muah*

Victoria- what brings you here?

Liam- i heard that your getting revenge on Nara

-Victoria scoff-

Victoria- yes… she's been testing my patience , it's time for me… to get revenge

PA- and she got me too , President Chen

-and he raise his eyebrows gently-

Victoria- you're not gonna stop me , don't you? *she puppy eyes him*

Liam- Of course not I'm gonna support you with it

-and He kiss her-

PA- aww so sweet , i wish i can find a man like President Chen

Min- tssk no need , i'm already here at your service Baby

-While she looks at him disgustingly-

PA- eww , no

-and Victoria and Liam laugh-

Victoria- don't judge lest you end up together later

PA- eww no!

Min- Ms. Clifford is right

Liam- alright guys let's go home it's already 6:30 pm

Min- yes sir

PA- I'll see you later Ms. Clifford , i'll look forward into you later with your plans

-and they all start to walk to leave-

To be continued…