Lee hwan

Several days later, da-hee was sitting down in one of the coffee shops that she normally frequents, she was sitting next to the window and watching people and cars pass by. she normally likes sitting next to windows and she would have preferred to have the sit in the back of the class next to the window, but it was taken. she thought about this as she gazed through the window, drinking a warm cup of coffee in that cold evening; when suddenly she saw a familiar sight pass her from outside and entered the coffee shop. It was Lee hwan.

He entered the shop and sat down in front of her.

"Hello....I heard you were asking about me."

"Yes..., how did you know I was here?"

"Well, since you have been sticking your nose into my private life, I decided to do the same. I would introduce myself but I am sure that you already know far more than you need to about me, so I will get to the point. I need you to transfer to a new school and never speak to min-hyuk again."

Judging from his manner of speech and the way he carried himself, she knew that this would be a difficult one, but that just made da-hee more excited, as that day had been quite boring. So, she responded to his request.

"And why would I do that?"

"I know what you are, what you and your sister are. I am sure that if you are able to worm your way into such a prestigious school like ours, then you can find another school. I would even help you but if you don't, I will let everyone know that your sister is nothing more than a cheap prostitute, and if you think that what they do to min-hyuk is harsh, it would be nothing compared to what they would do to you."

At that moment da-hee let out a menacing smile.

"As appealing as your offer is, I would have to decline."

Lee hwan paused because he was not expecting that response, he is quite used to getting what he wants and very quickly.

"Do you have a death wish?"

"No, but I find your case to be very interesting, like why did you send those boys to bully min-hyuk for such a long time, and it's strange because you too were friends when you were younger but then for no reason you stopped talking to him, and then the bullying started. I mean you could just be an asshole but I like to think that there is a reason for everything."

"Where are you going with this?"

"I am getting there, I mean I want to be wrong because this is so cliché, but there is only one emotion that lasts for a really long time and makes absolutely no sense. You are in love with min-hyuk."