Sharing your troubles

When da-hee got home that day, all she wanted to do was to fall on her bed and pass out; sleep usually doesn't come easy to her but she was hoping that maybe something good could come out of her emotional exhaustion. As she opened the door to her and her sister's apartment, she found her sister, sitting and laughing on the couch with uju. Immediately she thought, (I don't have the energy for this).

"Da-hee you're finally here. I thought you'll never return home." Uju says as she sprints to greet her. "Are you ok, you look like you have been crying."

Hearing that, her sister who was still seated on the couch, tilts her head a bit to try to get a glance at da-hee's face. (There's no way da-hee cried.) She thought to herself.

"Uju, I am really tired and all I want to do is sleep, this really isn't the time."

"Do not be rude da-hee, she has been waiting for a long time, and why have you not been picking up your calls?"

"My phone is on silent; I didn't pay attention."

"Hey, since you're so tired, just show me your room and then I will go home." Uju says this as she holds da-hee's arm and pulls her away. Always confused by uju's behaviour she responds.

"Why do you want to see my room?"

When they finally got to da-hee's room, she wasted no time and started undressing, preparing to go to bed, and Uju leaned against the window and then asked. "What happened?" but da-hee didn't respond. "Is it Lee tae-hyun?" Da-hee stops for a moment and then continues with wearing her loose shirt that she normally wears to sleep. "Are you really going to sleep, while I am here?....I know you believe that you have the answers to everything in that smart, stubborn head of yours, but one thing you'll soon realize is that the heart doesn't listen to the head and it is much more stubborn." As da-hee is laying on her bed, uju sits beside her and says in a gentle tone. "You're new to all this and I think when it is regarding matters of love and hurt, you should ask for advice from an actual human being; If you try to sleep it away, you'll just end up having a very crappy sleep."

"Are you saying I'm not an actual human being?"

"You tend to not act like one sometimes."

"Well I wouldn't want to have a crappy sleep, those tend to be accompanied by crappy dreams." With that said, da-hee decided to tell uju everything that had happened. "Well, what do you think?"

"Ahhh, the only thing we can do is wait. Try speaking to him another time, maybe he will be less upset and hear you out."

"That's it? I kind of was expecting more; That's not much of an advice."

"It isn't, but doesn't it feel nice to share your troubles with someone else. Turn off the night light, I'm sleepy." So da-hee turned off the lights and they both went to bed.

The next morning as hwan was about to head to school, he saw his dad about to head into his car.

"Dad, this is the car that normally takes me to school. You should be using the other car."

"I know, I am going to your school with you. I need to speak to your headmaster about that girl da-hee."

"Excuse me!! Why do you need to do that?"

"So many things were revealed to me yesterday night, I will fill you in in the car; get in, we're going to be late."

"No, you don't need to fill me in, I already heard everything that happened."