
Kenji was working out. "You need to unlock a body that can handle magic." Kenji got done with his push-ups and stood up. Kenji kicked at the dummy next to him. "Stupid old man." Kenji said. "You better hurry your training. We've got a whole army to go up against." Kenji looked at Toshi. He was just one man, how could he handle an army? The old man started to digress. "It's a revolutionary army. Demons. Led by Cornelius. Anyways, the army is very powerful, and the leader is a master swordsman. Most of them use guns. We will have to be traveling for a while. Either way, we might not beat him, but it should be good to pack and get training in before we go and fight the army. Kenji rushed to reply. "You two are much stronger than me, right? Why don't you fight the army?" Kenji said. "We're not in our prime anymore, boy. But you…you're lively and quick! You'll definitely be able to win!" Toshi said excitedly. "So you'll be spectating?" Kenji said curiously. "Even though he isn't in his prime, Kushibo is much stronger than me, he will be fighting. I won't be fighting, though. I'm almost a hundred years ol-" Kenji cut him off. "So I have to work with him? The first time we met, he broke my bones, actually scratch that, he almost killed me!" Kenji was talking rapidly now, basically mumbling. Toshi walked away and left him taking. Kenji sat down. He thought and thought. "I could die in this battle. How am I supposed to slay an army? I'm nowhere near the level Kushibo is! I'll just be watching! I'm weak!" Kenji punched the wall in front of him. He yelled and yelled. Kenji out his hand down. "How will I beat an army?" Kenji thought to himself. He turned around and started punching the dummies. Kenji jumped back and kicked the dummies repeatedly. In his peripherals, he saw Kushibo walking up to him. "So the old man told you?" Kushibo said. Kenji nodded slowly. Kushibo sat down. "I know it's really sudden, and it's really tough news to hear, but you're strong and your thinking is amazing, and my swordsman skills can contribute as well!" Kushibo shouted excitedly.

"We'll slaughter that army! They won't stand a chance!!" Kenji heard how excited Kushibo was and started to cheer up. Kenji picked up his sword and tried practicing his water moves. His sword wasn't producing any water at all. He slashed and slashed, but the more he did, the less of a steady head he could keep. He threw his sword at the wall. "This is pathetic! What's happening?" Kenji said, irritated. Toshi appeared behind him. "What's happening is that you're frustrated." Toshi said. Kenji looked at his with visible disbelief. "As if." Kenji said matter-of-factly. Kenji picked up his sword and tried again. Nothing happened. "This swords broken, Gramps!" Kenji claimed. "I know my sword smith skills, I made that sword well." Toshi replied. "Your strongest element by far is fire, but you might need to branch out to other magic to stop an army." Toshi said. He sat Kenji down and starting talking. "First, there are items that hold magic that will aid in battle. Explosives, invisibility bombs, thunder whips, and even more weapons than the sword you are holding as of now. I will leave you with some of these tools, but you must be very careful not to get yourself killed." Kenji looked at him closely. He noticed something. His favorite Senseis beard was shorter, and he had a slit by his left eye. Kenji jumped up and spun, and kicked him in the face.

"Bastard." Kenji said. "You're not my sensei." Kenji pulled out his sword. He was prepared to do anything to protect his only sensei. His real sensei.