Kushibo Versus

Kushibo picked the demon up by the arm and squeezed. He dragged the demon around a bit and decided to let him go once he got bored. The demon was now on the ground, shrieking violently in pain. Kushibo kicked at the demon. "You we're struggling against this guy? He's pathetic!" Kushibo had his back turned. Suddenly, his foot wouldn't move. He was frozen. He was suddenly launched outside. The demon had grown his hands back. It was only then that Kenji noticed that he could move again. "He can only control one person at a time," Kenji thought to himself. He devised a plan. While Kushibo was being thrown around, Kenji was picking up his sword and preparing to fight. The demon was laughing at Kushibo. By the time Kenji had blinked, he was in front of the demon. He blinked once again. This time, the demon's arms were off. He was as fast as thunder now. The demon swiftly regenerated his limbs and started talking. "My head isn't my weak point, fools. You'll have to find that out by yourself." Kenji took a few steps back. Kushibo leapt toward the demon and kicked it in the stomach. Kenji ran up to it and launched a barrage of sword slashes. The demon was faster than he was before. He dodged every hit. Kenji leapt back and waited. He didn't know why he was staying still, but he was. He was extremely nervous. He started walking slowly. He jumped behind the demon, but he used his quick reflexes to kick Kenji away. Kushibo kicked the demon in the arms, and Kenji ran up and cut the demon's head off once again. The demon swiftly regenerated and sent vines in every direction. "Don't worry, I'll make this quick." Kenji dodged some of the vines, but he eventually got knocked away from the demon. Kushibo jumped back and started dodging the vines and cutting them. Eventually, he got launched back too. Kenji punched the demon in the ribs as soon as he got close, but he was knocked back again. Kenji jumped back again. The vines were becoming too much for them to handle. Kenji and Kushibo were getting launched back, and quickly too. Kenji was on the ground, and so was Kushibo. Kenji could tell this demon wasn't on Kushibo's level, the only problem was that the vines were extremely quick and covered ground very quickly. Kenji tried to push himself up. He was swearing under his breath, and perspiration rapidly. Kushibo got up. Kushibo backed up from the demon this time. He dug his sword into the ground. Kenji understood. The vines were going into the ground to reach them. Kushibo cut the vines swiftly. "A very perceptive one, aren't you?" The demon said. Kushibo laughed. A vine suddenly came out of the ground. It was faster than either Kenji or Kushibo. With one blink, Kushibo was on the ground, blood splattered. He was sweating, and tears were coming from his eyes. "I remember you…you bastard…." The demon slowly walked up to Kushibo. Kenji tried to reach out, but couldn't do anything. It was over. The demon put his foot up, and he attacked Kushibo. Kenji noticed there was fog and mist surrounding them, and it was very hard to see. He didn't hear Kushibo getting hurt. He crawled over slowly. That's the moment when he noticed. Toshi's leg was blocking the demons. "You will not harm my pupils."