Kenji backed up. He lifted his sword up slowly. "I may look weak, but the special thing about me is my advanced and durable skin. Not only that, but I'm a master of the martial arts and have amazing fighting skill," The demon said. "The names Mijikai." Kenji chuckled. He threw his sword away and slowly lifted his fists up, preparing for battle. He smiled and leaped toward Mijikai. He kicked him in the stomach and then kicked him in the face. His foot hurt badly. He spun and forced energy into his foot. He kicked Mijikai in the gut. It was useless. Mijikai grabbed his foot and threw him out of the ring. He rolled across the grass. He spun and jumped up. He blasted himself into the air and made sure to aim for Mijikai. He sped past Mijikai, knocking his fedora off. He crushed it under his foot and turned around to see Mijikai fuming. Mijikai started to turn toward Kenji. He was angry now, not to mention the fact that he was fast. Kenji jumped into the air and slammed his foot onto Mijikai's head. Mijikai stumbled, but he was completely okay. He grabbed Kenji by the ankle and slammed him on the ground. He kept slamming and slamming. Kenji was aching badly. He got up and laughed. He was coughing blood at this point. He lifted his hand up and aimed it at Akuma. He charged up an energy blast. He was letting his full power out now. Mijikai quickly jumped toward him to stop him from hurting Akuma. Kenji let out a massive explosion from his hand. Mijikai was knocked back very far. He landed at the other end of the stadium where Toshi was resting. Mijikai was even angrier now. He kicked Kenji in the gut and head butted him. He grabbed Kenji and spun him in the air. He was suddenly launched away from Mijikai. He rolled across the grass and stopped next to sword. He picked up the broken sword and stored some of his energy in it. Fire started flow around him, and so did an ominous red aura. Kenji laughed and jumped back into the arena. He drove the sword into Mijikai's stomach and twisted it. His skin started to turn black and horns slowly grew out of his head. He took the sword out and used his energy to swiftly slice off Mijikai's leg. Mijikai and Akuma were shocked. Kenji drove the sword through Mijikai's head. He twisted and twisted. Kenji pulled the sword out and cut Mijikai's head off. He quickly regrew his head and grew an expression of fear on his face. Kenji slowly walked toward him. He leaped backward and kicked Mijikai in the shoulder. "I found your weak points," Kenji shouted. "And I'll finish you now!!" Mijikai stepped back. Kenji jumped out of the stadium. He lit up his sword with his powerful energy and threw it at Mijikai's head. The sword pierced his head and sent him flying back to where Toshi was. He was hanging as if he were clothes on a rack. Kenji laughed. Kenji thought these demons were pathetic. He slowly walked out of the stage and called to Kushibo. Kushibo woke up and muttered something to him. They walked by each other slowly. Kenji fell asleep next to Akuma. Kushibo lit up his body. He was covered in flowing red lightning. He was now prepared for the third demon.