An Important Announcement

Hi guys.

My school has finally started back up again and, because of my level of intelligence, one day at school basically translates to almost the entire day. I barely have enough time to be writing chapters and, ever since a few weeks ago, I haven't really been feeling it with this story as I have been accidentally brainstorming for ideas for the past few weeks as well and now, I have a full-blown story in my mind.

I really like the ideas I came up with and I want to translate them into an amazing story that might be able to see the light of day. This story was just a sort of hobby I made to entertain myself but now that I have other matters to be concerned with, I don't think I will be able to exclusively focus on only this book.

And so, I had a big brain moment and realized that maybe, I should live out my dream of making an amazing story by committing myself to a story that I have actually worked very hard on. I am probably much younger than many of you, my readers so, I want to be able to do something meaningful to me while I still have the time as, very soon, I will be slaving away on a hard job.

Now, allow me to get to the point.

I will be temporarily putting this book on hiatus while I work on my other book. Once I am done with my other story, I will come back to this one. If some of you still won't leave after this sudden betrayal of trust, I hope that you will still continue to support me by reading my other book that I have sacrificed everything on.

I wish that all of you are still alright and that my books will still bring happiness to your hearts when you read them as that was my original reason for wanting to write a book. And now, I bid all of you, adieu.

Signed, KrystaliteRadiates