
Zara was getting all kinds if creepy vibes from this guy, he looked human but after accidentally touching him she knew he was a vampire. When a witch touches a vampire they get chill down their spine and see a pit of nothingness, it's a way of showing that they have no soul but most of the older more powerful vampire can fool witches into believing they are human although they could never hide from werewolves after all they are natural enemies. The girls got in the car and their luggage was loaded in, for the first time Luna was quiet, she was never really uncomfortable around vampires she had dated one or two after all it's this particular one who had all her warning senses going off in rockets and she couldn't figure out why. She obviously expected she wouldn't like everyone she met in shadow country but she never thought she would meet someone who made even her wolf go into hiding, this was a new feeling for her and one she did not like at all.

"hey are you alright? You look a little freaked out, you nervous about getting to the college?" Zara asked Luna. Luna faked a smile and said "no I think it's just the full moon starting to take a toll on me, there's only a couple of hours left so my wolf is just a bit restless". Zara was a bit surprised by this because in all the years she has known Luna she has never had trouble controlling her wolf not even on a full moon were most wolves go feral and lose control, she could never figure out how she could do it she had seen the full moon bring grown men to their knees. "ok if you say so, I just hope you'll be feeling better later because if not you are sleeping outside with the other dogs, I'm not trying to lose a limb and unfortunately not even science can grow those back" the girls chuckled at Zara's statement. They fell into easy conversation and Luna was distracted the rest of the way, their conversation came to a halt when they saw the building up ahead. The university was located a few miles out of town on the edge of a cliff surrounded by green and pretty flower colours as far as the eye could see, it was the most amazing thing they had ever seen. Zara felt drawn to the nature so much so she just couldn't stop looking at it all, but as a witch it was not unusual because they are connected to earth in ways most beasts are not but that wasn't what was going here. From a far away distance further than she should be able to see she saw him the guy in her dreams, he was crouching on the roof of the tallest building at the university looking at the car driving up and just watching and waiting but what for? Zara blinked for a second and he was suddenly gone, did she really see him or was she imagining things. One thing's for sure Shadow University was about to get a hell of a lot more interesting.