"Hey, Bernard! You look very troubled. You're not usually like this. Is something bothering you?"

Sipping his wine, he shook his head. He was at the place where the Noble Faction usually gathered. Indeed, even though he had been here for five years, he never got used to it.

But that's not what bothered him. The murders committed by Maurice and Louis brought him into the condition he is in now. The foolish actions of those two would make it difficult for the noble Faction in the future.

Bernard could be said to be a bit different from other noble children. Everyone realized that the Anti-Noble Faction was in the Academy. But only Bernard was aware of their potential threat to the nobles.

According to his calculations, their current existence could not threaten the position and hegemony of the nobles. They may have a large mass, but they do not share the same vision. After all, no charismatic person can unite them until now.