Three days after we came to the guild, the day of our departure for the Clifford territory came. With the raised funds, we rented a cart to carry our goods.

I was thinking of bringing their belongings and paying for the entire wagon rental without having to collect any money. Still, they all said in unison, "Sorry, Issac, we welcome your good intentions, but we can't keep relying on your help either!"

I'm honestly glad when they have that kind of awareness. They strive to be independent even when they are in difficult conditions. I don't hate that kind of effort at all. But still, I feel neglected, you know!

After hauling all our luggage, we headed straight for the Clifford Territory. It took three to five days to reach the Clifford area. Depending on the road conditions. in the middle of winter, where snow covers the road, we'll get there in four days. The break is included.