Due to extreme exhaustion, Issac was completely paralyzed as soon as he reached Mrs Heid's mansion. Either because of jet lag or because of the huge difference in conditions between the lower layers of hell and this world, Issac is so sick that he can't move today!

"You don't need to accompany me, Margaret. The teacher will think you are truant if you don't go to school today."

"Whose fault do you think this is!? I just said yesterday that you have to stay healthy because your activities are very busy! but the fool who couldn't take care of himself got sick!"

Margareth grumbled as she wrung out a cloth that she had soaked in hot water in an urn and put it on Issac's forehead. Madam Heid had summoned the best priest from the temple to give Issac some treatment. He said he didn't feel any strangeness in Isaac's body, and he could recover tomorrow if he rested today completely.

"Nothing odd, huh? I hope so."