Issac had gathered in one of the meeting rooms in the large mansion. About 20 people attended the meeting. Among those present was Charles Hill, a man in his late 30s who became the leader of the SDF.

Although he is not too old, he has travelled to all corners of Lantos and has been involved in various wars. His experience in leading and fighting is unquestionable.

Then there's David. Since he was a commoner, he did not have a surname. But Issac put Willard's name behind his name. You could say he didn't have the talent to be a farmer.

Physically weak, and he was quite often sick. But his knowledge in matters related to agriculture is unmatched. He knows the harvest cycle, pests and diseases that usually attack plants and how to deal with them very well. Besides that, he knows very well how the quality of grain is of good or bad quality.