Meanwhile, a great commotion was going on at the command centre of the Garlin kingdom's army. News from the capital has arrived. Most of the southeastern area of ​​the Garlin kingdom had fallen to the Heinz kingdom in a short period.

The voice split in two. Continue the war with the Heinz kingdom in the western region of the Garlin kingdom or return to Pesa to re-consolidate the power and reclaim the southeast region.

Boabdil preferred to return to Pesa, but his strategists had the opposite opinion. He didn't want Boabdil to lose, but he had his considerations.

"In Pesa, we still have enough troops to defend themselves. If we win the war on this front, the Heinz kingdom will have no choice but to withdraw their troops from the southeast while we continue to advance deeper and deeper into the Heinz kingdom's territory."