The afternoon after the city of Pesa fell, the victory parade was finally held. From atop the horse, Aurellia walked among the soldiers along with Issac. Since it had destroyed the city, there wasn't much to see.

The curious beast watched the parade of the Heinz kingdom's soldiers. There was sadness, anger, and resentment on their faces. But there was nothing they could do.

Aurellia and Issac entered the Palace, which was still standing strong despite some visible damage from yesterday's battle. Marina had been waiting in front of the palace and accompanied Aurellia, Issac, and a few administrative officers to enter.

They went straight into the palace and headed for the audience room. Aurellia sat on the throne, and Isaac stood on her right while Marina was on her left.

Some soldiers brought in Boabdil, and Hans was also in it. The residual hatred was still visible in his eyes, but since he lost to Isaac, he wouldn't win if he fought.