A surprised Visit

"I doubt I've had nearly as much practice as you've had. You must inspire me."

He smiled, then kissed her on her forehead. Better move on to another subject. "So what else did you want to know

about me?"

"Oh, I don't know. What's important to you— besides baseball?"

"Yeah, that's pretty much a given. I like other sports, too. I played football back in high school. I like to swim. When I finally had to concentrate on one thing, it wasn't hard to decide. Baseball is where my heart has always been." "Swimming, huh? I love to swim too. I grew up near the beach and my parents felt we all needed to learn to swim as early as possible, for safety if nothing else. Where did you swim in land-locked Minnesota?"

"I guess you don't know our state's nickname. Land of Ten Thousand Lakes?"

"Oh, yeah. That sounds familiar now."