Attacked By A Strange Wolf

"Gaaaa!" Dotty leaped to her feet and backed away.

"What occurred, Aunt Dotty?"

Shirley liked the soft tone he grabbed with his aunt. Dotty had a flair for drama, but she had certainly fainted so it appeared as if a small compassion was warranted.

"I learnt the door open across the hall, so I peeked out the peephole and saw Ethan standing there, stark naked!"

"Are you sure? I mean, perhaps he was wearing a flesh-colored suit and fig leaves for a Halloween party. Where did the dog come from?"

"It was a wolf, and I don't recognize. I had a bottle of sacred water close, because of… well, only in case, all right? So I pulled it, all set to hurl it onto his repulsing nakedness when I opened the entrance and there was a wolf! Did you explain the wolf was gulping the holy water?"

"Where's Ethan now?" Shirley interrogated.

Dottie shrugged, then her eyes ran bare.

"Do you suppose he sicked that thing on me?"