Blue-Eyed Eskimos

Ben wiggled his head and muttered, "Unbelievable."

I don't realize what's so unbelievable about it. Several strokes for several folks and all that.

"Oh! Ow! Ow!" Smack, smack.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'll never do it again. Now what did I do?"

Smack, smack, smack. Sniffle.

"I'm so sorry. I vow. I'll never fuck another man."

Smack, smack.

At least not until the subsequent phone call. Heh heh. Leo drifted over Ben's head, intending to plop his own ear to the door. His objective was a bit off and his ear wandered through the door rather.

He sough and yanked his head out of the wood in order to persist on Ben's aspect of the impediment. If only he realized… These girls enable men act out their desires.

Perhaps this dude caught his wife in bed with somebody else and by deluding to whack her with Kate performing as an alternate, he can satisfy that desire without certainly doing it to his wife.