Mr. Walter

"For many reasons," he asserted, indicating also at the end outcome if this didn't take place.

She nodded and caressed his cheek.

"Okay, how about the second Saturday after the vacations, which is my weekend off?"

Her proceeding her job blindsided him.

"You're going to work up until the final second? I guessed you'd need some time to get everything ready."

"Well, I should convey them lot of notification. It's not simple to replace nurses. There's a nursing scarcity, you know."

"But that's not your problem."

"I understand I haven't been there very long, but I've already made some nice friendships among the colleagues on my shift. I don't wish to evacuate them in the lurch."

"Then we'll have to employ a wedding planner to support you get everything done."

"No. I don't need one. I've given attention to too many horror stories."

"Certainly? Like how many?"