
"Shit. We lost him." Morgana sobbed and hurled her free hand in the air.

"Now what?"

"Let's keep going."

Morgana gulped hard. Eve was right. She couldn't linger there.

"Hopefully Leo will convene us at the museum, and if not, I'll attempt to speak to Reginald myself. I simply don't infer if I can convince him to remake his story."

Morgana and Eve continued a more natural stance, as long as Eve's arm around Morgana's waist was deemed natural.

With Morgana's eyes shut, the two women strolled next to each other over the rest of the bridge. Morgana opened her sights and continued along the sidewalk toward the Broadway.

"What made Leo reckon he could get the other phantom to recant?"

"You realize what karma is, don't you?" Eve bobbed.