Extraordinary and Pretty

Morgana shook.

"Makes sense, but possibly Kate could move over there for a while, if not permanently. Since we're not getting along all that well, probably laying a little gap between us would assist. What do you think, Leo? Would you be inclined to have Ethan or Kate as a roommate?"

She halted and then mumbled, "He's thinking it over."

She tilted her head back and forth as if enraging the seconds it took to retort a query on Jeopardy. At ultimate she had an answer.

"He asserts he's still not sure, but if he did let it, he's discriminatory to Kate."


She heeded another minute, bridged her arms, and sough.

"He mumbled, not just can she speak to him, she's vicious pretty and saunters around in the buff."

Ethan sough. "Oh, well, it was worth a shot."

Morgana spruced up, and her sights lit up. "I don't think you need to bother. You might be moving in with your girlfriend shortly anyway."