Nothing is going to occur

"We was just scrapping. Nobody got hurt."

"Well, he's not here now, and I can't very well keep you two from killing each other if you go at it again. Of course, if one of you murdered the other one, I'd have some company, wouldn't I?"

"Probably not, since witches believe in reincarnation, but y'all don't have to worry, Leo. Nothing is gonna happen."

"Famous last words."

Morgana had some appointments for readings the following day. This woman wanted a palm reading. Not the best for giving loads of information so she didn't do it often, but it was good to keep her skills sharp.

She traced the heart line of her female client.

"Now this is a good, strong line. There are a couple of partial lines dropping down from it, which means you've had a couple of heartaches, but in general your love life is—"