Mood of Reception

He hoped she wasn't jealous of her younger cousin anymore. He'd spent a lot of time with Morgana and had done his best to put those fears to rest.

"Of course I haven't forgot. Have y'all discovered what the secret ingredient is?"

"Um, no. Not yet." Kate elbowed Morgana out of the way and headed toward the stairs.

"Then don't go giving me no warnings."

"I wasn't giving you a warning. I was giving you a reminder."

"Y'all was nagging like a preacher gettin' the town drunk to church."

"Ladies," Flinch interrupted.

"Let's keep our eyes on the prize. First a drinkable batch of whiskey and possibly later a cure for vampirism." Morgana sighed.

"You're right. I'm getting ahead of myself."

As the three of them traipsed up the stairs to Flinch's apartment, Kate whispered, "Can y'all see any of the sludge I painted around the front door? The last thing I want is for someone to come along and wash it off before it sets."