The sanctions and assessment of student violations when I attended school for 3 years at Mardasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Jakarta from 2007 to 2010 were very strict. Very disciplined compared to public schools in DKI Jakarta at that time.

1. The most serious violations are if students are caught in a brawl between students, carry sharp weapons to school, drink alcohol, date, and smoke or use drugs, take or steal other people's goods, the sanctions imposed by the school are dishonorable.

2. Violations such as coming late to school, not doing homework, cheating at school and often not attending school, the punishment from the school is coaching from the student affairs department and parents are also called to school and are punished with suspension for 1 week and can also not go to class.


1. Students who reach a total of 20 violation points (A) will done :

a. Coaching by Development Coach Student Self

b. Homeroom Supervisor II.

2. Students who reach a total of 21-40 Violation points (B) will done :

a. Warning (remind)

b. Home visit for student self-development

c. Making the 1st (first) statement (agreement)

3. Students who reach a total of 41-60 Violation points (C) will done :

a. Calling parents (student self-development coaches, OSIS Advisor for Order, and BK)

b. Warning (remind with parents)

c. Make a statement (agreement) to the 2nd (two)

d. Suspension for 2 (two) consecutive days

4. Students who reach a total of 61-99 Violation points (D) will done :

a. Home visit (student self-development coach and BK)

b. Strict warning (Student representatives, OSIS coaches in the field of etiquette, Student Self-Development Coach and BK)

c. Make the 3rd (third) statement (agreement) with stamp duty Rp. 6000,-

d. Suspension for 2 (two) consecutive days

5. Students who reach a total of 100 points Violation points (E) will be done :

a. Special attention and supervision (Student Representative),

b. Supervisor Self-Development of Students, OSIS Trustees in the Field of Order and Counseling0 If in 1 month there is no change, it will be held plenary session (Heads of Madrasahs, Representatives, OSIS Supervisors Tatib, Student Self-Development Trustees and BK)

c. Will be returned to the parents of the students Head of MAN 3 Jakarta

For three years I attended a special religious school like this with a high level of discipline. I learned very valuable lessons when I was 15 to 17 years old to be more disciplined, firm and responsible honestly in behavioral actions in everyday life. At that time I received an award and started participating in a scientific writing competition with 15 people at the national level and thank God our team received an award and received training for 3 months from LIPI at the age of 17.