I started to study seriously and also started to take part in the competition for selecting student ambassadors from the mayoral level first and finally I won representing the South Jakarta area to become Finalists of the DKI Jakarta provincial youth ambassador (student) competition organized by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Agency for Community Empowerment and Women and Family Planning (BPMPKB). In 2011 from this I began to get convenience and make more friends. At that time I was a student ambassador for 1 year. Dian had the usual opportunity to meet great people in the government from Mr. Ir. H. Joko Widodo and mother, met with the Ministry of education and culture coordination of private universities region III Prof. Dr. Ilza mayuni. MA, Mr. Sutiyoso, Mr. Fauzi Bowo, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. Also officials in DKI and the central government. Accompany in every inauguration and iftar or other major religious events. I am often invited with my parents.

I study hard to get a scholarship. And in my spare time I look for extra money that is lawful and fast. and also during semester 1 when all my friends felt my semester break instead of having to work at my lecturer's house taking care of a very sick mother and helping the midwifery clinic at that time I was paid seventy thousand a day and I had to be there 24 hours. Not go home. There is no holiday if you want to meet Dian's parents, you are only given half an hour. At the age of 18, you should be able to live independently and rarely spend time with family and friends who work and study. As long as I learned to care for people and met many people, I began to feel sorry for the midwifery clinic to check pregnancy and childbirth. At that time, the cost was very expensive. I was touched.

At that time, many underprivileged people had not received delivery assistance from the government in West Java and many gave birth at traditional birth attendants because the hospital fees at that time were very expensive. They could not afford many mothers and children who often came to the clinic in critical condition. My lecturer helped the mother to be referred to a big hospital in the middle of the night but unfortunately the patient died on the road. At that time I wanted to help save the lives of many people by setting up a clinic to help the underprivileged and also setting up free medical activities. Help the community at that time.

When I was in college in my second semester, I started undergoing training which required entering a dormitory and attending military training and coaching for six months before being sworn in and wearing the midwife's school uniform. We were nurtured physically as well as mentally at school and in the military during that time we had to get up early, and follow very strict rules and there if our semester grades dropped, we were immediately expelled. We study hard, there is no time to play, there is study and our parents can only meet us for 1 hour once a week.