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Corpus ID: 236651795

1 Introduction

Indonesia Ranks 70 for Cyber Crime Cyber defense in Indonesia is influenced by two

main factors, namely infrastructure and reliable technology and awareness that cyber-world

security is an important issue. This was conveyed in the Board of Conferences #12 of the

National Conference 2017 at JIEXPO Commercial Center, Monday (10/23/2017). Speaker

Faizal Djoemadi representative of Telekomunikasi Indonesia Internasional said that Indonesia

still needs to upgrade its infrastructure and technology.

"But the physical and logic [software] layers can be purchased. The most urgent one

indeed is cultural factor or awareness that security in cyber world is essential," said Faizal, in

Jakarta, Tuesday (10/24). Until now, according to Faizal, Indonesia still places in position 70

of 193 countries in terms of cybercrime strategy. This certainly still becomes homework in an

effort to implement the cyber defense of Indonesia.

Awareness and literacy for cyber activity on cyber networks is needed by internet users.

The Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) is the capital city and the largest city in

ICSTIAMI 2019, July 17-18, Jakarta, Indonesia

Copyright © 2021 EAI

DOI 10.4108/eai.17-7-2019.2302054Indonesia. Jakarta is the only city in Indonesia that has provincial level status. Jakarta is

located on the northwest coast of Java. Formerly known by several names including Sunda

Kelapa, Jayakarta, and Batavia. In the international world, Jakarta also has the nickname J-

Town, or more popularly The Big Durian because it is considered a comparable city of New

York City (Big Apple) in Indonesia.

The Jakarta metropolitan area (Jabodetabek), which has a population of around 28

million, is the largest metropolitan in Southeast Asia or second in the world. As a center of

business, politics and culture, Jakarta is home to the headquarters of state-owned companies,

private companies, and foreign companies.

The Metro Jaya Police station in Jakarta Central will apply the law on cybercrime. A

legal entity should work with IT experts to tackle such crimes. To reveal who will be

responsible for the crime, an IT expert should be able to perform network forensics to find out

the origin and source of the offense. This strategy is expected to reduce or eradicate crimes

committed in the world of technology.

Implication of cybercrime policy at the Metro Jaya Police Station in Central Jakarta has a

strong legal basis, namely Law Number 19 of 2016 article 1, regarding electronic transactions

of Electronic Information and / or Electronic Documents and / or printed results that are legal

legal evidence Electronic Information is one or a collection of electronic data, including but

not limited to writing, sound, images, maps, designs, photos, electronic data interchange

(EDI), electronic mail (electronic mail), telegram, telex, telecopy or the like, letters, signs,

numbers, Access Codes, symbols, or processed perforations that have meaning or can be

understood by people who are able to understand them.

Research Question : How is the implementation of the cybercrime prevention policy at the

Metro Jaya Police Station in Central Jakarta? What obstacles have been faced in implementing

the policy of implementing cybercrime prevention at the Metro Jaya Police Station in Central

Jakarta? What are the efforts made in implementing the cybercrime prevention policy at the

Metro Jaya Police Station in Central Jakarta?

2 Implementation Policy

Attitude that will bring on themselves offender disposition policies. High disposition by

Edward III (1980) and Van Horn and Van Meter (1975) effect on the rate of successful

implementation of the policy. Disposition for Edward III (1980:53) is defined as the tendency,

desire or agreement of the executive to implement the policy. If you want to be successful

policy implementation effectively and efficiently, the executor is not just knowing what to do

and have the willingness to carry out that policy, but they also have to have the will to

implement the policy. The role of the actors in policy implementation is proposed by Edwards

III (1980: 12) who states that "Public policies are made and implemented on the national,

state, and local levels. Often implemented by lower level by units of government. " This

suggests that public policy is made and implemented at the national level, state, and local

government. Edward III (1980: 12) holds that policy implementation is influenced by four

variables, namely:

1. Communication, namely the success of policy implementation requires that the

implementor know what must be done, where the policy goals and objectives must be

transmitted to the target group, thereby reducing the distortion of implementation.2. Resources, even though the contents of the policy have been communicated clearly and

consistently, but if the implementor lacks the resources to implement, the

implementation will not be effective. These resources can be tangible human resources,

for example the competence of the implementor and financial resources.

3. Disposition, is the character and characteristics possessed by the implementor, such as

commitment, honesty, democratic nature. If the implementor has a good disposition, then

the implementor can run the policy well as what is desired by policy makers. When the

implementor has a different attitude or perspective than the policy maker, the policy

implementation process also becomes ineffective.

4. Bureaucratic Structure, Organizational structure tasked with implementing policies has a

significant influence on policy implementation. The aspect of organizational structure is

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and fragmentation. Organizational structures that

are too long will tend to weaken supervision and lead to red-tape, which is a complex

and complex bureaucratic procedure, which makes organizational activities inflexible.

However, policy implementation has several inhibiting factors. The organizational

structure of implementation may cause problems if the division of powers and responsibilities

is less tailored to the division of tasks or marked by the limitation of the less obvious

limitations (DeLeon P and L DeLeon 2002)

As for the obstacles in the implementation of the policy, a solution to overcome needs to

meet soon. A policy will be effective if during the making and the implementation is

supported by adequate facilities.

Cyber Crime

According to (Peter Stephenson, 2000) Cybercrime is "The easy definition of cybercrime

is crimes directed at a computer or a computer system. The nature of cybercrime, however, is

far more complex. As we will see later, cybercrime can take the form of simple snooping into

a computer system for which we have no authorization. It can be the feeing of a computer

virus into the wild. It may be malicious vandalism by a disgruntled employee. Or it may be

theft of data, money, or sensitive information using a computer system. In two The UN

Congress document cited by (Barda Nawawi Arief, 2007) concerning the Prevention of Crime

and Treatment of Offenders in Havana Cuba in 1990 and in Vienna Austria in 2000, explained

the existence of two terms related to the definition of Cybercrime, namely cybercrimes and

computer related crime.

Cybercrime is a term that refers to criminal activity with a computer or computer network

into a tool, target or scene of the crime. Included therein to include an online auction fraud,

check forgery, credit card fraud (carding), confidence fraud, identity fraud, child pornography,

etc. In the Internet, security issues are indispensable.

For without security, data on existing systems on the Internet can be stolen by

irresponsible people. Often an Internet-based network system has flaws or often called a

security hole. If the hole is not closed, a thief can enter from the hole