3 Methodology

This research used Qualitative approach for exploring and understanding the meaning

individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. The process of research involves

emerging questions and procedures. Data typically collected in the participant's setting. data

analysis inductively building from particulars to general themes. and the researcher making

interpretations of the meaning of the data. The final written report has a flexible structure.

The first data coding system that was piloted involved "open coding": an emergent coding

technique drawn from grounded theory methodology (Glaser& Strauss, 1967; Strauss&

Corbin, 1998).

Informants consit of : Head of Section of the Special Criminal Regiment Unit of the Metro

Jaya Central Jakarta Regional Office, People who work as entrepreneurs. who lives in the

Central Jakarta area, Head of the special criminal unit of the Metro Jaya Regional Police of

DKI Jakarta Office, Head of Civil Service Section of Metro Jaya Regional Office, Central

Jakarta,Position of the chief the finance department of the Metro Jaya Regional Office in

Central Jakarta, Head of the licensing section of the Metro Jaya Regional Office in Central

Jakarta and Head of the Community Guidance Section of the Central Jakarta Metro Jaya

Regional Office.

4 Discussion

1. The implementation of the cybercrime prevention policy at the Metro Jaya Police

Station in Central Jakarta.

The implementation of the cybercrime prevention policy at the Metro Jaya Police Station

in Central Jakarta the success of policy implementation requires that the implementor know

what must be done, where the policy goals and objectives must be transmitted to the target

group, thereby reducing the distortion of implementation. The application of the prevention of

cyber transactions at the Jakarta Police Station has a strong legal basis, namely Law Number

19 of 2016 concerning electronic transactions 1, regarding electronic information and / or

electronic documents that are legal legal evidence , and article 26. cross and use the concept of

Edward III (1980) (in Subarsono, 2011: 90-92). The following is the explanation of the

analysis of the implementation of the Jakarta police station's cybercrime in the central

prevention policy based on the conceptual framework of adoption researchers using the theory

of Edward III (1980), holds that policy implementation is influenced by four variables,

namely: Communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. Based on the

answers of the informants in table 4.1 above, it is known that the answers to the

implementation of cybercrime prevention policies at the Central Jakarta Police Station can be

explained as follows:

The results of the open coding state of the implementation of cybercrime prevention

policies in the central Jakarta polres, namely: Cyberspace cyber partoli, cooperation,

prevention, collaborate with the Office of the Cyber Cyber Crime Investigations Satellite

Office involving children in cyberspace. (Inf 1, Inf 2, Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 5, Inf 6, Inf 7).

Based on this, axial coding regarding the state of implementation of prevention policies

for cybercrime in central Jakarta polres, namely: online partoli, government cooperation and

communication service providers companies. Victims of cybercrime: Children. Formation of

the unit: Police Office for Crime Metro Investigation of Cyber Crime Establishment of bodies:

Satellite Office for Cyber Crime Investigation.

From open coding and axial coding, conclusions can be made on selective coding that the

implementation of cybercrime prevention policies in central Jakarta polres, namely: online

partoli, government cooperation and communication service providers companies. Victims of

cybercrime: Children. Formation of the unit: Police Office for Crime Metro Investigation of

Cyber Crime Establishment of bodies: Satellite Office for Cyber Crime Investigation. in

accordance with law no 19 of 2016 concerning electronic transactions 1, regarding electronic

information and / or electronic documents that are legal legal evidence , and article 26. cross

and use the concept of Edward III (1980) (in Subarsono, 2011: 90-92).

a. Communication.

The implementation of the cybercrime prevention policy at the Metro Jaya Police Station

in Central Jakarta the success of policy implementation requires that the implementor know

what must be done, where the policy goals and objectives must be transmitted to the target

group, thereby reducing the distortion of implementation.

Based on the answers of the informants, it is known that the answers to communication in

the implementation of cybercrime prevention policies can be explained as follows. the

Cybercrime prevention policy? explain the obstacles and innovations used in countering

cybercrime! The results of the open coding state of communication implementing the

prevention of cybercrime policies are from (INF 1, INF 2, INF 3, INF 4, INF 5, INF 6, INF 7)

posted on the bulletin board.

From open coding and axial coding, conclusions can be made on selective coding that

communication in the implementation of cybercrime prevention policies namely

Communication, Socialized about Maya World Crime prevention policies, barriers and

innovations: Brochures posted on the bulletin board. Barriers to resources are: limited budget

funds. In adequate facilities and infrastructure. Human resources, namely: limited personnel,

lack of IT experts and cyber forensics Procedural barriers: Information technology laws.

Innovations on resources are: adequate facilities and infrastructure. Human resource efforts,

namely: personnel training, cooperation, empowering IT experts and universities. Formation

of the unit: Police Office for Crime Metro Investigation of Cyber Crime Establishment of

bodies: Satellite Office for Cyber Crime Investigation.

Based on the answers of the informants above it is known that the answers to

communication Mention the results of the evaluation of the Cybercrime prevention policy in

the Metro Jaya Police Chief, Central Jakarta! The results of the open coding state of

communication implementing the prevention of cybercrime policies are from (INF 1, INF 2,

INF 3, INF 4, INF 5, INF 6, INF 7) Cybercrime prevention policy evaluation of Cybercrime

prevention policies: lack of socialization of lack of knowledge of cybercrime prevention, lack

of supervision.

Based on this, axial coding regarding communication in the implementation of

cybercrime prevention policies namely Evaluation results, prevention of cybercrime:

Cybercrime prevention policy evaluation of Cybercrime prevention policies: lack of

socialization of lack of knowledge of cybercrime prevention, lack of supervision. from the

open coding and axial coding above can be made a conclusion selective coding that

communication in the implementation of cybercrime prevention policies in central Jakarta

polres, namely Cybercrime prevention policy evaluation of Cybercrime prevention policies:

lack of socialization of lack of knowledge of cybercrime prevention, lack of supervision.
