

Its a stormy night. The lightning coming on and off,illuminating the night sky in a flash, accompanied by the deafening thunder.

" Its definitely going to be long cold night" Rodney said looking through the window into the streets. 

"Good thing I have my coat with me" He said still look outside ,he saw several people trying to find shelter, But what caught his attention was a particular Lady. 

Standing from the far end of the street staring into the bar,The vision was blurry but he definitely took notice of her bright red boot.  He was certain she was looking at him. 

He waved at her,right before a bus passed and he lost sight of her. He searched with his eyes, but she was gone. 

He then took in the aura in the bar, still the same old feeling jolly feeling. 

"It never gets old, right?" he asked as he took a sip from his beer. Getting no response he turned to look at Daniel,who was definitely not in the room. 

Daniel just sat still looking at his beer,with a cigarette in his mouth burning. 

"Come on Daniel, you're still engrossed in your thoughts?" Still not getting any response from Daniel. 

"You have to let loose man, we are at a bar" he said patting Daniels back. 

"You don't get it rod" Daniel finally said still looking at the bottle. 

"Why me,why now?"

"Am definitely not caught up for this" he turned facing Rodney for the first time. 

Rodney could see the fear in Daniels eyes. He knows how his friend feels. Those eyes he will never forget. He still recall perfectly on their first mission, Daniel had those same eyes, scared to the bone. 

"Its going to be fine, a needle through water" he told Daniel. 

"It's going to fine Daniel" Rodney said. 

"A needle through water" They said in unison. 

Daniel took a deep breath in and gently exhaled. 

He then turned round towards the scenario that has been on his nerve for so long. 

A never ending bicker between Mervin and Stan,two old drunk who always end the day with a hot boiling argument. They would argue to the extent you will say

"Yeah someone is finally going to get it" But nothing ever happen. 

He stood up and the feeling in his thighs told him he has been sitting for too long. He could feel the sharpeness of the pain. He stood there for while. 

"Come drop me off Rod" he said to Rodney while paying his bill. 

"Keep the change"He said to Magdalene, the bar attender. 

"Rodney!" He called out. 

"On my way" Rodney answered taking his last gulp from his third bottle. 

         *30 Minutes Later**

Daniel got home feeling really tired. He had fallen asleep all through the ride. 

Last thing he remembered was falling asleep. 

Daniel walked straight to his room,taking of his clothes step after step. He got to his well furnished room and fell into his bed. 

Just in space of minutes he slept off. 

Daniels sleep was rather short length, He was jog into consciousness by a loud thud outside. He opened his eyes ,feeling too weak to move,he sluggishly stood up. 

He became cautious when he saw his gate ajar. 

He took his gun from under the shelf. And walking slowing towards the gate he saw a ladder placed on his window wall. 

He took climbed the ladder slowly into his room. 

He could hear footstep and sneaked through the curtain towards the light switch.  

He flicked the light on.