He's handsome

Jiang Nian finds Liang Chen Yu's car and opens it. As she was about to go, the door opens and someone sits in.

"Liang You Jin!? What are you doing here?" she asks him.

Liang You Jin buckles his seat belt. "It's boring inside."

"So?" she asks, not understanding what he means.

Liang You Jin didn't answer her and just lays his head at the headrest.

Jiang Nian gives him a look and starts the car. In less than ten minutes she stopped outside the vet clinic.

Liang You Jin got out with her and followed her in.

"Nian Nian, you've come. Tang Yuan is all ready to go home." Her best friend Zhang Xin said. Tang Yuan is Jiang Nian's dog. He is a samoyed.

*Tang Yuan means glutinous rice ball in Chinese*

Zhang Xin took Tang Yuan out and handed the leash to Jiang Nian. Jiang Nian takes it and got down to look at Tang Yuan. It's been a week since they see each other. Tang Yuan is getting old and is starting to have numerous problems. This whole week he has been recovering from his surgery.

"Make sure to feed him medicine with his meals," Zhang Xin reminds her and holds out the medicine to her. But Jiang Nian is too busy checking Tang Yuan.

Liang You Jin takes the medicine from her and said thank you.

Zhang Xin just noticed Liang You Jin. Jiang Nian got up and saw Zhang Xin giving her those eye signals.

'What's happening?' as she wants to know.

But Jiang Nian didn't answer her. "I'll call you later," she said to Zhang Xin.

"Let's go." Jiang Nian takes Tang Yuan and walks out of the clinic.

"I'll drive," Liang You Jin said and before Jiang Nian could answer, he took the car keys from her.

Jiang Nian looks at him and then gets in the car with Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan laid on Jiang Nian's leg the whole way home.

When they arrived back at Jiang Nian's house, both of their family are still chatting. Jiang Nian's father is in the kitchen prepping dinner along with Liang You Jin's father.

Liang Chen Yu got a business phone call and is talking outside.

"You guys came back!" Heng Xiu said when she heard the door open. Jiang Nian released Tang Yuan from the leash. Tang Yuan instantly went to Heng Xiu and licks her.

Jiang Nian is so tired, but she has to go take a quick shower first.

"Don't follow me." She warns Liang Yu Jin before heading upstairs.

Liang You Jin was planning to go out and do something. But didn't expect Jiang Nian to say that. He smiles as he watches her go upstairs.

"Mom, I won't come back for dinner." Liang You Jin didn't explain anymore and left.

"You Jin and Nian Nian are both hardworking kids. Chen Yu also. I heard that you're trying to find a girlfriend for Chen Yu?" Heng Xiu asks Shu Jin.

Shu Jin nods and sigh. "He's 30 already and still doesn't have a girlfriend. I'm so worried."

"Both of them are giving me headaches. I wish I have a daughter like Nian Nian."

Shu Jin then remembered something. "Remember back when Nian Nian and You Jin are both in high school? Was there something between them?"

While both moms are thinking and trying to match their kids together, Liang You Jin throws the keys back to his brother.

"Where are you going?" Liang Chen Yu asks him.

"I'm going back to sleep." Liang You Jin walks away and heads back to their house which is only a few houses away.

Jiang Nian showered and walks back downstairs.

Liang Chen Yu sits there with the ladies and Liang You Jin is nowhere to be seen. But Jiang Nian didn't care much. She walks over to Tang Yuan and gave him his dinner. She puts his medicine with his food.

"Nian Nian, what's with you and You Jin?" Liang Chen Yu went over to her and sat down.

"What do you mean? Nothing happened." Jiang Nian said.

Liang Chen Yu leans back on the wall. "Well, if you say so. You're not going to rest? I heard you have work tomorrow."

Jiang Nian shakes her head. "I have night shift tomorrow. So it's fine."

"How about you? Brother Chen Yu, anything interesting so far?" Jiang Nian is a pretty nosy person. But only with people that she knows.

"What are you referring to?" he said with a chuckle.

"Well, any dating life? I heard Liang Ah Yi is trying to set you on some blind dates." Jiang Nian laughs.

"I'm too busy for that."

"Excuse." Jiang Nian said. "If you need any help, I could help you." Jiang Nian said and puts her arm around him.

Liang Chen Yu gives her a glare. "It's okay. Just care about yourself for now."

"I was talking about you. I'm only twenty-five. Compare to you, you should be more worried." Jiang Nian said with a laugh and quickly walks away before he does anything.

Liang Chen Yu is 30 this year and only dated one person so far. But they broke up back in college. He had never thought about it ever since he starts working at his family business.

When dinner is almost done, the doorbell rings.

"Nian Nian, go get the door," Heng Xiu said.

Jiang Nian opened the door and saw Zhang Xin.

"Xin Er, what are you doing here?"

"Nian Nian, you gotta feed me. I've been working the whole day and then I just got a call that my apartment's water stopped working."

Before she can continue talking, she stopped as she saw Liang Chen Yu standing there.

"Omg! Who's that handsome guy?" Zhang Xin asks and couldn't stop staring at him.

"He's Liang You Jin's brother."

Zhang Xin knows Liang You Jin but didn't know that he has a brother that's this handsome.

Liang Chen Yu notices them and walks over.

"Nian Nian, who's this?"

"Oh, this is my best friend. Zhang Xin."

Zhang Xin smiles and takes out her hand. "I'm Zhang Xin."

Liang Chen Yu shakes her hand. "Liang Chen Yu."

"Xin Xin, you came too. Come and have dinner with us," Heng Xiu said and welcomed her in.

"Nian Nian, he doesn't have a girlfriend right? If not, I'll go after him."

Jiang Nian shakes her head and smiles. "Go right ahead. I'm not stopping you. But a friendly reminder, it'll be hard." From what she remembered, the conversation she had with Liang Chen Yu wasn't that good. He doesn't want to find a girlfriend at the time and so she isn't sure how well this will go.

"Anyway, I'm going to try."

At dinner, Zhang Xin sits in front of Liang Chen Yu.

From time to time, Zhang Xin couldn't stop looking at Liang Chen Yu. And Liang Chen Yu notices her stare. But he just concentrates on eating.

Jiang Nian's elbow touches her to tell her to stop.

Once dinner is over, Liang Chen Yu pulls Jiang Nian over to the corner.

"Jiang Nian, I told you that I don't need help," Liang Chen Yu nervously said.

Jiang Nian laughs. "Don't blame me. I didn't do anything. Who tells you to be this handsome. I didn't even start anything yet, and she already caught her eyes on you." Jiang Nian couldn't stop laughing.

Liang Chen Yu feels very helpless. "Fine. If you don't want me to say something to Liang You Jin, then you gotta help me. I already told you that at this moment I don't want to date."

Jiang Nian tilts her head and looks at him.

"You're going to Liang You Jin what? Liang Chen Yu! You promised me that you won't say anything. Are you going to break your promise? And plus how do I help you? She's my best friend. It's not my fault that she finds you attractive. This is a problem that you should deal yourself." Jiang Nian angrily sad and left him.

Zhang Xin saw Jiang Nian coming out and asks her what happened.

Jiang Nian shakes her head.

"Nian Nian, can I stay for the night?"

Jiang Nian nods. After saying good night to her parents and Tang Yuan, they went to bed.

Both of them lie on the bed and stares at the ceiling.

"Nian Nian, what's with Liang You Jin?" Today when she saw Liang You Jin with Jiang Nian at the clinic, she was shocked. She didn't know that Liang You Jin would come.

"He just tagged along." Jiang Nian didn't explain much since she doesn't really know why too.

Zhang Xin kept thinking about it but doesn't understand. She got up and opens the light.

"But during high school, that time didn't you have a crush on him. And you even confessed to him but he rejected you."

Right, she did confess to him. But that was ages ago and plus she can't let one rejection get to her.

"His family and my family have a close relationship. So, it's normal when he comes over," Jiang Nian said.

"But you don't think that this time Liang You Jin is different?" Zhang Xin asks.


"I don't know how to explain this. Just the feeling itself. What if he likes you? Do you still like him?"

Jiang Nian lays on the bed and her head spins with the questions that Zhang Xin asked her. 'Does she still like him?'