
Jiang Nian didn't know how long she have been sleeping. She woke up and saw the car stopped in front of her house and Liang You Jin sitting there with his phone.

"You're awake?" he asks while still on the phone.

Jiang Nian nods and fixes her posture. "How long have I been sleeping?" she asks him.

"Two hours."

Jiang Nian looks at her watch and saw that it was almost 10 am.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" She asks him. If he has woken up her, then he doesn't need to stay with her.

She felt guilty and looks at him.

"It's okay. I have nothing to do anyway."

Jiang Nian remembers him saying that he has a two-week break. "Anyway, thanks for driving me back. I'll go in now." Jiang Nian unbuckles her seatbelt and as she's about to open the door, Liang You Jin stops her.

"Take this," he said and gives her the food that he brought earlier while she was sleeping.

Jiang Nian takes it and it's still warm.

"Oh, thank you. I'll pay you back?" she said with a question.

Liang You Jin laughs. "What? You don't want to pay?"

Jiang Nian didn't look at him. "We're even. I give you the patch and you brought me food."

Hearing what she said, Liang You Jin laughs again. "Fine. We're even. Make sure to eat or else your stomach will hurt again."

Jiang Nian looks at him, "how do you know?"

The only people that know this is her parent and Shu Jin. But now thinking, Shu Jin is his mother and if he knows then it doesn't seem anything wrong.

"Well, thanks again." She walks out of the car and Liang You Jin watches her get in.

As Liang You Jin was about to start the car, his phone rang.

"What is it?"

"You Jin, come over now! Or else I can't control Liu San!" The man on the other side seems like he's having trouble.

"What did he do this time?" Liang You Jin asks.

"His girlfriend dumped him and he's throwing a tantrum right now."

Liang You Jin shakes his head. And drives to the bar.

Liang You Jin arrives at the bar that is owned by both of his friends and him. It's early in the morning, so the bar isn't open yet.

He went in and hears Liu San crying. Liang You Jin's eyebrows furrow.

Gao Kai saw him and quickly tells Liang You Jin to help out. Liang You Jin is the oldest out of the two and so they always see him as the older brother.

"You Jin, you don't know how sad I am," Liu San whines and went to hug him.

Liang You Jin doesn't like people hugging him and Gao Kai knows that. Liu San who's drunk doesn't even care at this point.

Liang You Jin slightly pushes him and sat down.

"What happened this time?" He asks Liu San and pours himself a cup of water.

"She left me!" Liu San said and cries out again.

Liang You Jin felt his head tighten. "Go take some sleep and tomorrow you'll forget about it." He then told the worker to bring Liu San to his room.

Gao Kai watches them go and sat down next to Liang You Jin.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Gao Kai laughs and drinks his whisky.

Whenever Liu San dates and breaks up, he would always throw a tantrum. But the next day, he's like a new person and forgets about it.

"How's everything going?" Gao Kai asks him.

Liang You Jin drinks his water and got up. "I'll get going."

Gao Kai stood up and stops him. "Everything's fine?"

Two weeks ago, while on a mission, Liang You Jin's comrade in arms was sacrificed. Gao Kai knows that Liang You Jin doesn't like to show his feelings. But inside he must've felt bad and blamed himself for not saving him.

Liang You Jin didn't answer him and left the bar.

Jiang Nian takes a shower and came out to the kitchen. She sits down and opens the bag of food that Liang You Jin got for her.

Jiang Nian doesn't drink coffee. She doesn't like the bitter taste of it and even she is on calls for 48 hours, she uses other alternatives to keep herself awake.

She takes out the cup of hot soy milk and a container of stir-fried noodles.

Jiang Nian smiles inadvertently.

She takes a sip of the soy milk and takes out her phone.

"Nian Nian, tomorrow there's a high school gathering. Are you going?" Zhang Xin texted her about the news.

Every year when there's a high school gathering, Jiang Nian would either find different excuses or don't have time cuz of work.

Jiang Nian hesitates and messaged Zhang Xin back.

"I don't have time."

She puts her phone down and concentrates on eating her food.

Jiang Nian takes Tang Yuan's leash and puts it on him.

"Tang Yuan, let's go on a walk!" she said to him.

Tang Yuan wags his tail and happily looks at Jiang Nian.

Jiang Nian and Tang Yuan take a walk around the neighborhood. They stopped by the convenience store and saw Jiang Nian craves for ice cream.

It's in the winter right now, but Jiang Nian always has a sweet tooth.

"One is fine right?" she asks Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan looks at her and just has his tongue out.

"It's a yes right?" she asks Tang Yuan again.

As Jiang Nian was about to walk into the convenience store, a hand stopped her.

"What are you doing?" he asks Jiang Nian.

Jiang Nian looks up and saw Liang You Jin standing there.

Jiang Nian isn't sure why she felt like she's being a thief. She swings off from his grip and looks down.

"Nothing. I was just planning to buy something to eat."

Liang You Jin of course doesn't believe her. "Didn't you just eat? Not full?" He asks her.

Jiang Nian wants to roll her eyes.

"Fine, I was just planning to get ice cream!" She said. It's not that Jiang Nian doesn't want to tell the truth, but it's just that her family limits her from eating too many cold things. This is because every time her period is almost here, her cramps will hurt a lot.

Liang You Nian looks at her.

"Ice cream?" he asks her.

Jiang Nian nods. "Just this one time. It could be our little secret?" she said to him.

Liang You Jin smiles and then shakes his head.

"When your cramps kill you, don't come to me for help."

Jiang Nian gives him a stare. "When do I ever come to you for help?" she said.

"Come. I'll make something for you to eat." Liang You Jin then takes the leash from her hand and starts walking.

Jiang Nian looks at him confusingly but follows him since Tang Yuan is in his hand.

Both of them went to Liang You Jin's house and Jiang Nian looks at him. "What are you going to make?" she asks him.

"What do you want to eat?" he asks her.

Jiang Nian looks at him and then thought about it. "Chocolate cupcakes!"

"You got lucky then. There are ingredients for that." Liang You Jin went to prep the ingredients and Jiang Nian watches him.

Jiang Nian saw many angles of him before. But every time she sees him so concentrate when doing things, she can't keep her eyes on him.

"Jiang Nian, don't stand there. Come and help." He said to her with a smile, but she can't see it.

Jiang Nian's illusion breaks and gives him a face.

"Didn't you say you'll make it for me? How come I have to help now?" She whines, but still walks up to him.