
[Original Timeline: Maverick's P.O.V.]

Ellis and I kicked open Xavier's room door.

"Dude, what the fuck?!" Xavier shouted angrily when he saw the three of us.

He shoved me off of Clementine and wrapped her in his arms in a protective manor.

I couldn't help it.

I laughed.

"What?! What's so funny?" Xavier questioned.

I smirked.

"Should I tell him or are you?" I asked Clementine.

Her ugly purple eyes widened in fear and she shook her head.

"Alright then, I'll tell him. This woman used her mind control ability on everyone."

Xavier's gray orbs widened in shock.

"There's no way..." Xavier muttered.

I instantly kicked Xavier in the balls while at the same time grabbing Clementine from Xavier's hold in his moment of confusion.

"Fuck!!" Xavier yelled as he groaned in pain and clutched his balls.

I wrapped my huge hands around Clementine's throat. I squeezed her throat tightly and smirked with a satisfied expression on my face when I saw her eyes widen in fear. She looked like a fish gasping for air.

"P...pl...please..." Clemente gasped out as her face turned blue and purple.

I squeezed harder and watched as her eyes rolled back into her head. Just when she was about to pass out, I took my hands off of her neck and she immediately crumpled to the floor. She clutched her neck with her hands as she gasped for air. She looked up at me with tears in her purple eyes. Her poop-colored hair was in disarray.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me?!" She wailed.

I sneered.

"How dare you control my mind and manipulate me into thinking that I loved you." I stated with a cold expression.

She looked scared of me. Good, she should be. But then her expression changed to that of a huge grin. She broke out into a huge laughter, her purple eyes growing bloodshot.

"Finally that hoe is dead!!!" She laughed as tears started to fall uncontrollably down her face.

I scrunched my eyebrows together in distaste as I looked at the crazy woman before me.

"Why did you kill Orion?" I asked darkly.

"Of course, became that damn seducer Orion. He made everyone fall in love with him so effortlessly! He was perfect for me, yet he never spared me a glance. Obviously I am superior! He should have gladly dated me but no, he had to turn me down. How dare he! I wanted to get revenge on him and I did so by manipulating you all!" She shouted with a crazy expression on her face.

"Is this true?" A deep male voiced asked coldly.

I glanced to the side to see Xavier clenching his hands tightly, forming a fist. His jaw was clenched and he released an aura of killing intent. Xavier got up and froze her fingers.

"Aaaaah!" Clementine screamed in pain.

"Let's torture this fake ass bitch together, what do you say Maverick?" Xavier said with a cold sneer plastered onto his annoyingly handsome face.

I nodded and watched as Xavier dragged her down to the dungeons with me and Ellis following behind him.


Right after we killed her, I motioned for Ellis to leave the room. I then proceeded to launch myself onto Xavier and punched him repeatedly in the face.

"Stop it!" Xavier shouted as he grabbed my wrists.

He flipped us over so now he was the one on top of me. I glared up at his annoyingly handsome face.

"Xavier, I'm going to kill you." I stated with a dark tone.

"You won't." Xavier replied with a smug expression.

"Oh, I will."

I reached up to yank his black hair and slammed his head onto the concrete floor besides me. His muscular body crumpled to the floor and I felt warm blood starting to pool beneath me.

I got up and sneered when I saw his lifeless body on the floor. His head was bashed in. I killed him in one move.

I sighed as I used my time ability to reverse time to 5 seconds ago.

Xavier was on top of me with a scared expression.

"What the heck was that?" He questioned me with a scared face.

"I just reversed time to 5 seconds ago. I can't just kill you," I said.

"Why is that?" Xavier asked with a shaking voice.

I smirked as I lifted my head to whisper into his ears, "Because you are now my toy."

Xavier shuddered as I pushed him away and got up.

"You will listen to me. I have the power to kill you over and over again. You deserve it after killing Orion. My first order for you will be for you to eat Orion's crystal core and become the Supreme King. You will tie both zombies and humans together and create an utopia where both can live peacefully."

"Yes, Maverick."

I grabbed his throat and said darkly, "It's Sir to you."

"Yes, Sir!" Xavier immediately shouted in fear.

I smiled and got onto my tippy toes to ruffle his hair. He shuddered from my touch but I paid no mind. I left the dungeon cell and I paused at the entry way when I thought of something.

"Hmmm....your former fiancée Embry was it? I want you to say sorry to her and pursue her. I don't care what you say, but this is your punishment." I said before leaving.

5 years has passed since then and I finally made a break through in my research. I finally found out how to bring Orion back. I clenched my fist in determination as my red eyes gleamed.

I will fix this.

I have to.

For him.

I raised my hands upwards and watched as a purple portal was beginning to form. I picked up Orion's lifeless body that I persevered with my time ability and pushed him inside. As the portal closed, I thought over my plan.

I knew that my time ability was not strong enough to just turn back time automatically. I knew that I needed to send his soul to another place so his soul can recuperate. After his soul is completely healed, he will be automatically sent back here but I don't know the exact timeline.

I'll wait in this timeline until I sense that his soul is healed. Once his soul automatically comes back, I'll leap through time to meet him.

He may not remember me due to the time travel but I swear to protect him even if he doesn't remember me.

After waiting several years, I finally felt it. His soul was finally back. I immediately jumped through time to meet with him.

When my opened, I was in my house that was destroyed in the apocalypse. I quickly looked down at my phone and I found out today was the day of the apocalypse. Fuck! If possible, I wanted his soul to come back before that happened but oh well.

Before I left to pick up Orion from the hospital, I checked my space and sighed in relief when I found out all the items from my previous life was still there. Just to be sure, I went shopping some more and stored it on my space. I also bought any necessary things and stored them.

After I finished, I made my way to the hospital to pick up Orion. I knew that the soul in his body was the exact same, however the soul that was currently in Orion's body had no memories of the previous life.

Thinking of that made my heart clench in pain and I welcomed it.

After all, it is what I deserve. Even though I knew that Clementine brained washed me, I couldn't stop myself from thinking that I'm a monster.

A monster that does not deserve love. In this life, I will quietly protect and watch over Orion. I would never dare try to make him fall in love with me. I don't want him to be tainted by a disgusting person such as me.

I will be his protector and that's all I'll ever be.

As I entered the hospital, I stooped outside of Orion's hospital room. The door was open and I saw him sitting down in the bed with a dazed expression.

"This time around, I will protect you master." I vowed solemnly and I clenched my fist.

I silently thought the last part in my head.

Even if you don't remember me, so be it. This is a punishment that is I will gladly accept.