The Super Storm (R18)

Marcus looked at the DNA strand of Dimetrodon rotating in front of him. It was a hologram made from his suit's nanites. 

"Compare with data we gathered so far."

[Compilling data.]

A few moments later, he saw the connection with the animals he collected before.

"I thought he was more related to Edaphosaurus than this. Regardless, they do come from a common ancestor." He rubbed his chin while checking the 'family tree'. 

The inventor looked down as his leg was holding down Dimetrodon's tail. 

He is not allowing the apex predator of this era to run away from him.

"What are you going to do with it?" Sirin asked, crouching down to Dimetrodon's level. With both hands holding her cheeks, she looked like someone who was exploring the zoo for the first time.

"Obviously, keep it." He dismissed the hologram and mentally called a shuttle to pick it up.

Less than five minutes later, one of the four newly built exploration ships attached to Confiscator's ring arrived right above Marcus' location.

A tractor beam proceeded to pull in the Dimetrodon while Marcus was still on the ground. He was inspecting how this tech was working.

"Well, that takes care of that. Now to explore the river and the delta." He looked at the valley of this ancient river.

"You want to capture those frogs too?" Sirin grimaced as she stood up and looked where he was looking.

"Not quite. I would say check the vegetation and stuff." He then looked at Quinella and Erina and motioned for them to come over.

"Maybe we can find new salads." He said with a shrug.

"...I guess…" She wasn't that confident in doing that.

"Let's explore the river. Don't sushi use grass from seas and rivers?" He said to Erina as the pair walked over to his side.

"...Yes, but it's very specific grass. You think we can find something in a river like this?" The cherry blonde replied as she quickly started to consider his suggestion.

"I don't know, that is why I am suggesting. No one was in this river before, and no one will after us. It could be a treasure trove or a dud." He shrugged.

"Remember where we are." He reminded her about their location.


Just like that, the chef girl was excited and anxious about what she could possibly find.

The other three were in a similar situation, and with rekindled excitement, they all proceeded to walk towards the river.

Marcus could see a bunch of unfamiliar fish of all shapes and sizes. The river was full of life, even though it was extremely cold.

Because it was flowing water, the ice didn't form so they could explore.

With the nanites' help, the girls created buckets and started to collect whatever they thought looked edible.

As they were doing that, Marcus created a spear from the nanites and decided to do some spearfishing.

"Umm, don't forget to record everything and scan it." Erina realised this after collecting a bunch of river grass, some mollusc-like animals, and even proto-crab-like creatures. She is certain that she had never seen these before, and she has no doubt that these things never became fossils…

"I know. You do have your HUD and suit on all the time, so make it automatic," Sirin commented as she was inspecting some stones.

"...I think I found some gold." The Herrscher said with a curious look as she inspected a small golden rock in her palm.

"No surprise. There should be other luxurious metals around as well," Quinella replied as she looked around. Small hills were in the distance. She accessed the aerial view and swiftly found where the river started.

If there is gold here, there should be more in that mountainside.

"Good…" At that moment, the girl realised that no humans were around apart from them. They could dig so much gold and other stuff.

But then she recalled that it's not necessary… 

Marcus could make any metal she would want.

Still, she is going through layers of realisation where they are at this moment. Thanks to tech, part of her is ignorant of her surroundings.

"Got one!" That moment, they heard Marcus exclaim at something.

Their gaze went to him. They saw a greyish-blue shark-like creature pulled out from the water.

"Erina, do you think you could make sushi from these?" he asked the chef girl as he showed her the small shark he held.

"...Depends, sushi is a very delicate thing. You don't just eat fish or, in this case, sharks with rice. We need to run some taste experiments to see the combinations." She said to him as he placed more river grass in the bucket.

"Well, that is why we are doing this anyway." He said with a shrug as he threw the shark into a bucket at the shore.

Marcus continued to explore, but the river started getting deeper, so he walked on the river's surface.

Before long, he arrived at the delta and saw a beach spanning as far as he could see. In the distance, he could see some icebergs floating away.

He arrived at quite a beautiful sight.

"I thought we were driving away from the West Coast," Marcus complained as he accessed the recently deployed satellites and looked around, trying to orientate himself in the world.

"Well, whatever. It's not like we are in a hurry." He shrugged before lifting his leg as if a shark-like creature had tried to bite him.

"Well, you guys are quite pesky ones, aren't you? Considering I have no idea what you guys are, " the inventor commented as he used his spear to stab the animal and pulled it out. He realised that this thing was huge, around two to three metres long.

Since the animal was bleeding either way, he got some of its blood and filled out the database.

[New clade discovered. Beginning to fill up the details.]

"Great, it appears we have a new discovery."

He then scanned the inside of a fish like a shark. He found out that the animal had soft bones, a classic trait of a proper fish. These kinds of animals don't leave behind fossils, only teeth.

As he was commenting, more shark-like creatures proceeded to surround him.

"Huh… not going to lie. You guys love cool water or something?" he commented, finding it rare for a shark-like creature to swim in such cold waters.

But he obviously got no replies from the animals as they tried to jump from the water and bite the bleeding shark's corpse on Marcus' spear.

"Yeah, no. This is my kill." He lifted it even higher before looking for a place to get out of the water.

Seeing a beach in the distance, he jumped towards it, and seconds later, he landed soundlessly on the sand. 

"Now then, what should we do with you?" He proceeded to do more scans on the animal, discovering a couple of new bacteria that didn't exist in the Carboniferous.

"Well, I can chop you up and use it for food." 

He came up with a solution and called forth another exploration ship to pick it up for him.

"Give this fish to the Dimetrodon I capture." He instructed his AI before proceeding to walk around the beach area.

Maybe he will find some turtles or their relatives…


"We should camp around this area for tonight. I want to test out what I can make from these." Erina suggested to Marcus the moment he returned to the area where he parked his SUV. By this point, Atalanta returned as the lion maid realised that she had lost Marcus at some point.

Thankfully, they have satellites that help her coordinate and return to his location.

"Sure, we can do that."

The inventor nodded at the suggestion before pulling out a cube and throwing it a distance away.

The cube glowed and started to grow in size.

Once the glow stopped, it revealed itself to be a house inside a boundary field of energy of some sort.

"A house?" The Chef girl thought they would be camping in some shape or form, not staying in a legitimate house.

'By this point, I should not be surprised that he had something like this.'

"It has everything that a house should need. So, let's go." Marcus grabbed the fish and sharks he spearfished and started to walk towards the portable house.

"As expected." Quinella had some idea that camping with her creator would not be normal in any way. Well, it's not normal in the first place, as they are in a super distant past in the first place.

"And here I worried I would need to sleep on the ground," Sirin complained out loud.

"On the ground? Sweetheart, you can always sleep on me, and I will hug you like a pillow." Marcus teased, hearing her complain like that.

His comment made the white-haired girl blush. Erina blushed, too, when she heard it.

"Y-You know what I mean by that!" The girl stuttered in her reply as she needed to look away. Why is he doing that in front of the whole group?

"I know, I know, but I love your reaction." He joked as they entered the house, which was quite home-like with some touch from the future.

What greeted them was a large living room. It had a couch and TV, a dining table at the side, and an open kitchen behind it. There were stairs leading upstairs and a small corridor at the side.

The house was not big, but it was enough to live in for a long time if one wanted.

"...Not bad. Is this what you consider 'camping house'?" Sirin commented as she recalled the house Kiana was staying with her father in the Siberian wilderness. It was a simple wooden cottage with barely anything in it.

"I am an Inventor, So I Invent." He shrugged at her before walking to the kitchen, which had a portion of the wall missing. It could easily work like a bar, as well.

Marcus added this because he now had great chefs! He could just sit at the bar and wait for them to cook!

He placed some fish on the kitchen table. The girls followed after him and put their buckets with stuff next to the fish and sharks.

"Well, I will need some pots and bowls to sort this out," Erina said as she looked around. She found familiar assembly lines installed in cupboards above the sink, which can produce plates and cups. 

"Use the cupboards. The kitchen is fully equipped to provide whatever you need."

She nodded, but the spoiled part of her mentally complained that this stuff was over the top. She wants a regular stove with an oven!

"Yes, I can see. Now, if you excuse me, I need space." She motioned for them to leave the packed kitchen area. The house might look spacey, but the moment they all are in the kitchen, there is barely any space to move. 

"Okay, let's go." Marcus motioned for the girls to leave.

As they walked out, Atalanta looked sour.

"It appears I missed a great opportunity to hunt." The lioness commented as she saw those sharks on the table.

"Well, there is not that much stuff around the river. Did you see any swamps or oases?" He asked her as he got comfortable on the couch.

"No, the land slowly turns into dry, arid ground. I assume if we go further north and inland, we will reach the desert you spoke about before." The huntress spoke with a confident voice.

"Indeed, I checked the map. We will soon enter the desert, and though there are patches of wetlands similar to this delta, I can only guess that this is where we will find more of these amphibians who should be rulers of these lands." Quinella commented as she recalled that Permian was supposed to be called the Wra of Amphibians.

But the land-dominant creatures are pseudo-mammal like reptiles…

What a weird world they are inhabiting at this moment.


Gu Yuena was walking through wet, tropical jungles on an island next to Pangaea around the equatorial.

Such islands have isolated pockets of animals not seen on the mainland.

The Dragoness plans to capture all of them and present them to Marcus upon her return. She might have failed to join his 'expedition group,' but she can do something good either way.

"Hmm? So there is something here." She gazed to the side, and at that moment, a lizard-like creature with a big raptor-like mouth rushed at her.

The silver-haired girl stepped aside at the last second, making it a miss. The creature looked similar to Komodo Dragons, which are found in Indonesia. 

Minus the lizard aesthetics, it was more like a dinosaur than a lizard. 

"Well, I think I saw you in a book somewhere." The dragoness commented as, with a hand motion, her spear appeared in her hand.

"But I am not certain." Once more, she sidestepped and looked around to see if more existed. 

But there was nothing.

"So you kind are solo hunters. I see." She said while using her spear to parry another lunge. The girl wants to see if the commotion will invite a bigger predator.

Part of her is weirded out that tropics like these have no birds or flyers, only some bugs, which she is not interested in.

"...Sadly, it appears you are the top dog in this place." The Silver Dragon commented one last time before the beast tried to pounce one more time.

But this time, she smacked it with her spear to the side, knocking it down before she used time to freeze it in place.

As the beast was pinned down, she used her HUD to check the number of points she would get from it.

"Well, not bad, better than anything we could get in Carboniferous." She dismissed the HUD before asking for an exploration ship to pick it up.

A few minutes later, a plane-shaped vessel flew over and beamed up the frozen beast.

"Hmm, now to see what these guys were feasting on." 


As Erina tried to find the materials for a dish, Quinella went to assist her. Atalanta went outside to look for actual fruits or anything related to fruits. But there was little to no chance she could find one, as fruits didn't appear for another 100 or so million years.

That leaves Sirin and Marcus alone in the living room, something the Herrscher appreciates. 

As the girl was cuddling to his side while he was doing some 'homework'. He returned to some of his previous projects since the gadgets were in place and the time-related stuff was done.

'Hmm, since we have the triangle devices and diamond engines, I could theoretically make Sirin use her Herrscher powers anywhere.

The only issue is that I must make them appear real instead of illusions. A Realitus 2.0 projector could do it, but that would make her carry an extra.'

As he pondered on that, his hand was stroking her waist. 

'No, it's fine. I could just make her use the nanites produced by the triangle.'

At that moment, he summoned his console and proceeded to skim through files until he found the code of the triangle device software.

He proceeded to expand on it and add the code from Honkai he had developed beforehand. 

The quantum computer swiftly processed it, and the software was executed.

Before long, Sirin, who was cuddling next to him, turned stiff as she lifted her head and looked at him.

"What just happened?" she asked him, feeling her Herrscher core rapidly refilling with an endless amount of energy.

It's like the triangle core is feeding it directly!

"I added Honkai sequences to the engine. Your core is picking it up, and your energy is being fed to it.

The nanites will assist you in using honkai through the core." Marcus explained what he did. The white-haired girl swiftly got up and rushed outside. 

When she got outside, her regular clothes shifted into her Herrscher clothes. Swiftly, her energy wing manifested, and three subspace lances proceeded to come into existence.

Lastly, she started to float with her void instead of using the suit's anti-gravity ability.

"Amazing! So much power!" She was certain that the amount of power she had was many times more than she ever had before!

With an infinite reactor next to her Herrscher core, there was little to no delay in power transfer. The only possible downside she had was the nanites, but to counter that, she could just continuously generate them before utilising them.

Give her some time, and she will outperform her peak self in terms of void usage.

"It appears everything is in order." Marcus followed after her as he went outside and looked at her in the sky.

"Yes! And much more!" She turned around and looked at him with a grin.

The way she is now, she no longer needs those pesky satellites to allow her to use her powers. The void she can perform now is more than sufficient.

"...But how did you overcome illusionary space limitations? The satellites before would add a layer of space to allow me to utilise, but now…" She looked confused as she sensed the limits of her range, but where did this range come from in the first place?

"Well, I based it on a planet's magnetic field, with you as the planet and the triangle device as the core of a planet that emits the field.

While you can't teleport far, you are more than able to fight with your pure void abilities, " he explained to her. While it was not a perfect solution, he gave her old powers back. Now, she can use them anywhere as long as she has her diamond engine triangle device.

Her eyes sparkled when she heard the explanation.

"It's more than enough!" She jumped on him, wrapping her hands around his neck and legs around his waist. Then, she slammed her lips on his as she proceeded to kiss him hard.

After a couple of minutes, Quinella and Erina walked out of the house and found themselves standing in the middle of nowhere and kissing.

Quinella's eyebrows twitched, seeing Sirin being all over him like this!

While Erina placed her hand on her mouth, seeing this girl doing that! She always sees Sirin trying to act aloft most of the time. But now, all that act is out of the window.

As if knowing that girls were watching them, Sirin pulled back and looked over Marcus' shoulder at the duo watching her.

A smirk appeared on her lips as she whispered something into his ear.

"Alright~, let's go." He squeezed her rear as he replied, turning around and walking past the pair right into the house. Then he took the stairs.

"...W-What are they going to do!?" Erina stuttered, but she already knew, pretending not to know.

"I don't need to spell it out for you." Quinella brushed her hair with her fingers as she walked back into the house.

The cherry-blonde girl blushed even harder as her mind entered the gutter. 

She started to imagine herself in Sirin's position, which made her feel strange emotions going through her body, warming her up.

This was something she never felt before! And it made her feel a slight fear towards this unknown.


Marcus laid the white-haired beauty on the bed as he looked at her from the top to the bottom. His eyes scanned those exquisite Herrscher clothes, which made her look extremely sexy with that short skirt.

"Someone looks excited. Come ~~ show me what you are planning to do to me," Sirin smirked while motioning for him to come at her.

"As my Queen commands~." He grabbed her legs and spread them apart. 

His actions made her blush deepen, and she felt embarrassed by them.

As she gazed at him, Marcus stroked her thighs, which were clad in stockings. His hands ended up on her feet as he removed her high-heeled shoes. He threw them aside as he enjoyed her feet, making her tremble as she felt that tickle.

"C-Can we move to something more serious?" She asked him, as she didn't want to be tickled at this moment.

"Mhnn, sure~." He agreed and went forward. His fingers ended up stroking her thighs and eventually went to her special places. His fingers stroked her black shorts like underwear.

"Someone, excited~~" The inventor stroked her pussy lips over the shorts. He could sense how wet she was. The girl was itching for some action.

"Yes~ now give it to your Queen~~" She slightly moaned when she felt his fingers brushing around that special place. 

Marcus smirked at her words. He ripped open her black short-like panties revealing her drenched pussy to the wide world.

Sirin bit her lower lip as she felt how his fingers slipped inside her special place. He started to finger her, and her soft moans followed after.



"Nhhh~~~ n-no I want the real deal~ fingers are not enough~!" She exclaimed with hot breath as she experienced a small burst of pleasure. This was not enough. After often doing 'things' with him, she got used to taking the real deal, not fingers!

"Very well, and you are ready for the main course as it is." He agreed with her request as his clothes disappeared, revealing his naked body. Sirin immediately licked her lips as she spread her legs apart even more.

Marcus brought his tool closer to her as he brushed it around her entrance, making her squirm and look at it with expectations.

Not wanting to tease her more as he was itching to go himself, he pushed his tool into her awaiting insides.

"Nhhhnnn~~ that's it!" Sirin immediately gasped with a hot look as she felt that intrusion. His rod easily reached the deepest part of her pussy, touching the very end.

His rod was in a familiar place as he pulled back and then pushed right back inside. Slowly, he started to pick up speed as his hands were holding her waist.

Sirin swiftly wrapped her legs around his waist as she pushed herself to feel the whole length of his rod touching her deepest places.

"Mhnnn~~ Yes~~~" 

She hotly moaned as he started to pick up speed and make her moan and gasp with each deep stroke.

Before long, wet sounds of couplings began to spread through the room as Sirin was not hiding her pleasure; her voice was spreading as far away as possible.

Sadly, the room and the house were built to keep the voice in, so no one heard her passionate voice.

That was until the doors slightly crept open, and a purple eye looked at what they were doing.

"Hnnn~~~ yes! Fill me up with your stuff~~~" The White-haired beauty groaned as her body twitched hard when she felt him release his load to her depths.

Sirin ended up wrapping her hands around his neck as she pulled towards her.

The pair kissed the moment their face was close as the girl grind her pussy to his cook, trying to drain all of the essence he was giving to her.

After a couple more thrusts, he picked her up and removed her clothes as he wanted to feel her naked after filling her womb.

"It's not over, isn't it? I feel that I can go for several more rounds~~" Sirin hotly commented as she looked directly into his eyes as her hands were around his neck. She was extra horny this time around.


After seeing that scene, Erina was not the same. There was a part of her that was 'rebelling' and desiring that forbidden fruit. 

However, she had self-control—she was a Heiress, after all! Marcus quickly noticed that the girl's clothes started to change as the days passed.

The group finally reached the other side of the continent. They were in a place that would become Australia in the distant future, but now it is simply part of Pangaea.

Since they were climbing up, the temperature started to improve. It was warmer, and the girls began to dress in skimpier clothes, like shorts…

Marcus noticed that the Chef girl was trying her hardest to look hot and sexy.

Eventually, the inventor realised that she was sending 'signals' to him to pounce on her. It was the only thing he could think of.


Sadly, for now, he has to ignore it because a huge storm is moving towards the beach they are in.

"Damn, look at this." Marcus pointed at the storm, which was still growing; the clouds were enormous, and the thunder was not holding back. It kept blasting through the skies.

The inventor checked it through the satellites, and what he got was… impressive.

The storm was close to the size of the entire African continent and was still growing.

If he is right and usually is, this storm will touch the entire east coast of Pangaea.

"...No way. Is this normal?" Erina asked, as her weather knowledge was no better than that of the average person on the street.

"No, it's thanks to Pangaea," Quinella replied as she was finding out the average speed of the winds and the amount of water this would bring.

When Aurora finished its calculation, the group frowned.

"We will need to retreat at least ten to twenty miles back into land… no, I suggest at least 50, maybe 100, just to make sure we don't get the bulk of the winds," Atalanta commented as she saw the storm as well.

"We don't need to worry about that. Nothing will touch us as long as we are inside this house." Quinella explained to the lioness.

"I know that fundamental forces protect the house. But this area could be flooded by several metres of water and mud, " the maid clarified.

"No need. The Assimilator was finished a while ago, and we can watch all of it from orbit." Marcus commented as he stroked his chin.

"Aurora, inform the Assimilator that I want to record all the data we can from such a storm. We need to record everything we can about the consequences of a single Supercontinent. This is an important clue as we must understand how ecology and weather patterns work in such a world." Marcus said to the AI as he decided what to do.

[Understood, relaying information to the Assimilator.]

"Since you wish to take such a course of action, we need to move out. The weather is getting dangerous." Atalanta, who has experienced quite a bit of dangerous weather, is feeling on edge.

"Yeah, let's go." 




As the group of five left the house, a bright flash and a huge thunder strike slammed some distance away.

"Eep!!!" Erina grabbed Marcus' hand and hugged it from fear.

Marcus smiled slightly as he was reminded that Erina was well-developed.

"Let's get into the SUV." He said to everyone as he looked at the parked vehicles. 

"I will take the bike!" Atalanta swiftly rushed over, jumped on the bike, and proceeded to drive it up in the most literal sense.

"...Fine." He rolled his eyes as he motioned for the house to shrink into a cube and fly to his hand before he pocketed it.

By that point, all of the girls were inside the car waiting for him.

'Sheesh, it still hasn't started to rain, and they are already spooked.'

Internally, he sighed to himself at how scared the girls were. They were like cats.

Even his Assistant is pretending that it's fine. 

'That reminds me. I don't recall adding anything about Storm to the initial programming.'

As he pondered about it, he got into the white Jeep and drove it away into the sky.

"...Ummm, I know this is late, but can the SUV work in space?" Erina asked them.

"Just initiate the suit if you are not feeling safe." Marcus shrugged as he picked up speed and rushed towards the Core of the Assimilator.

The Super Structure has already been initiated, and the net is set. The game of collecting animals ended with maids acquiring the most points thanks to their simple strategy of collecting everything.

It was not that anyone was competing with them, as the Ship girls were just exploring the world, and Gu Yuena was just looking for predators.

After driving to the atmosphere's edge and into the Core part of Assimilator, the group walked through the hangar and into the elevator, which took them to the control room.

"This is my second time seeing this, but it always blows my mind how quickly everything just happened," Erina commented as she realised that all of these girls who are running this new Assimilator are only a couple of days old; they have not even set foot on modern Earth…

"I know what you mean. I had similar thoughts." Sirin commented back. Only Atalanta has already gotten used to it, and she is simply glossing over the spontaneous appearance of living, breathing people.

As the pair were talking, Marcus went to his seat.

"I want to observe the storm approaching Pangaea from the East. Send the flying saucers there."

"Roger, rearranging the tasks, focusing on the storm." At that moment, the flooring glowed and became transparent, and the camera focused on the big storm below.

"...That's one huge rain cloud." Atalanta sarcastically commented. 

"Preliminary scans show that the storm will be three times stronger than the system we borrowed from regular nations. Sir, I don't think we need a better categorising system." The observations officer explained to Marcus.

"Then just add categories six and seven and on and on. There is no need to discard something that has worked before; just improve on that."



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