What Exactly Are You Trying To Say, Michael?

Sarah's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly when she heard what Michael had just said. The man thinks that she cheated on him?

"What? Are you losing your mind?!" Sarah snapped angrily. All this time Michael thought she was having an affair? Hah!

"I know! I'm really stupid! To be honest, that time I managed to find you and saw you seemed close with another man. I should have walked over to you and asked you to talk. I think you guys have a relationship because you look close to him, you know, I've always been afraid of you getting close to male doctors or male nurses," Michael explained with a guilty expression on his face.

Sarah was completely at a loss for words when she heard Michael's explanation. That time Michael managed to find her? Does that mean what James said at that time was true? Michael was looking for her?