I hate Monday

This morning Michael went to the office in a lazy mood. He had spent the last two days with Sarah and the children. He hoped that every day they could continue to be together like that.

Especially when yesterday they spent half a day in the pool. Maybe it was because he was the one who helped them get Sarah's permission to play in the pool, the two puppies kept calling him uncle, and it seemed their relationship had grown closer.

However, why did today have to be Monday, and he had to come to work?!

"I hate monday!" Michael muttered under his breath then quickly got out of the elevator that took him to his office floor.

In the past, he didn't understand at all about people who looked uninspired on Mondays. They had two days of vacation. Shouldn't that be enough to come back to work?

But now he really understands why so many people hate Monday!
