Can't We Just Continue Living Together

"Can't you and the kids just stay here?" Michael asked, having found the courage to do so. He looked Sarah straight in the eye, and his tone was serious.

He didn't need time to think about this anymore, because he didn't want to be separated from Sarah and the kids anymore. He didn't even think that Sarah was actually trying to find a new apartment for her and the kids.

"What?" Sarah's eyes opened wide when she heard that. She didn't expect Michael to say that at all.

"What do you mean? Me and the kids stay here to change your father's will," said Sarah immediately rejecting the offer.

Even though Michael knew by now about the kids being his, and she had given Michael a chance, Sarah never forgot that she and the kids lived here because of Mr Collins.

Nothing has changed about that.

Michael fell silent when he heard that. He had expected Sarah to turn down his offer, but hearing it directly from her lips made his heart ache.