Welcome To War Royale

??? Mysterious hologram figure ???: "Hello! Thank you for coming champions!

Alen: *Surprised and froze for a second* (What?)

??? Mysterious hologram figure ???: "First of all, I'm glad that you guys have downloaded this game. Before I get to the second thing, I almost forgot. I'm the game developer for this game. Now, that the conversations done, let's get to the rules. I don't wanna waste my time talking about myself."

Alen: (Is he legit the game dev? And also, why is he wearing a mask like that?)

??? Game developer ???: "So, the rules are simple. All you need to do is survive for one week. And you can't exit the game until there is a winner or the match have been playing for one week. Also, just to give a heads up... if you die in the game, prepare to say goodbye from this world. Simply, you die in real life. You're gone for good."

Alen: (What?! No way! He must be joking right?) *Speaking calmly*

??? Game developer ???: "Alright, that would be all. Oh, and also, if it happens that there is no last man standing, biggest kill wins. The winner will win a grand prize at the end. Enjoy the game and try to survive! Have fun!" *Disappear*

Alen: (We have to survive for one week and winner wins a prize at the end. He wasn't telling us what it was so, it's gonna be a surprise.)

Suddenly, Alen got teleported to this weird room with some assassin equipments. Black robe with blue stripes, black pants, black shoes, knives and other assassin equipment.

Alen: *Puts on assassin equipments*

Notification screen: [Game will start... NOW!]

Alen: *Teleported to Tokyo* "Wait... is this Tokyo? Huh, it's been a long time since I was here.

??? Game developer ???: "Hello again champions! I know I shouldn't be interrupting but Welcome to War Royale! Hope you guys made it back in one piece. Good luck." *said in a deep scary-ish voice*