Alice: "A friends house?"
Alen: "Yeah."
Alice: "You got friend in Japan?"
Alen: "Well, he's not Japanese but, he lives in Japan since he and I graduated."
Alice: "Why?"
Alen: "I don't know. He said that he always wanted to live in Japan and he asked me how can he live there. So I said just get citizenship."
Alice: "You know that it's not that easy right?"
Alen: "Yeah but, he still wants to live here. *opens sliding door towards backyard* "Follow me!"
Alice: *Follows Alen to the backyard* "Wow!"
Alen: "When i came to Japan for the second time, I visited his home and come to the backyard during night time. We saw the stars and all that. Quite a good memory"
Alice: *Smiling because of hearing Alen's story*
Alen: "But not anymore! Because this is where I will train you!"
Alice: *sigh* "Whatever Mr. Pro assassin."
Alen: *giggled*
Alice: "Wait, how do you even know that your friends house existed in this game?"
Alen: "Well that's quite easy. I'm sure you've realized that we're in Japan."
Alice: *nod*
Alen: "But, when I first arrived here. The place looked familiar. It was too far from a coincidence. I then realized that this place looked like my friends complex. And looks like I was correct. So, either everything was set up from the satellite which is I don't know how or we're not even in a game."
Alice: "What do you mean by not in a game?"
Alen: "What i mean is that our powers are virtual but our surroundings is not. Even kill... lings."
Alice: "Huh? Sorry? What is it."
Alen: "This is not a game! We're not inside a game!"
Alice: "What are you talking about? We're obviously in a game. We have superpowers, teleport out of nowhere."
Alen: "No! Well, those things like powers and teleport ARE part of the game but, our surroundings isn't. I mean, think about it! All the houses, lights, its all accurate. How we know this is Japan by it's surroundings, the writings, how we will die for good if we get killed. That's part of real life."
Alice: "Then how do you explain all the people being gone?"
Alen: "He probably moves people out for a vacation."
Alice: "So, this world is not virtual?"
Alen: "unfortunately, no."
??? Mysterious player ???: "Well, your analysis is always on point huh, Alen."
Alen: "Who said that?"
??? Mysterious player ???: "Damn, you don't even recognized your own friend?" *Shows himself*
Alen: "Rico? Is that you? Man, long time no see!" *shake Rico's hand and hug him*
Rico: "Hey buddy! So, is this girl you girlfriend?"
Both Alice and Alen froze and stared at him.
Alen & Alice: "As if!"
Alen: "There's no way I'm gonna date this little girl!"
Alice: "And there's no way I'm dating this stupid guy and don't call me a little girl you dumb Alen or is that even your name!"
Alen: "That IS my name and you ARE a little girl!"
Alice: "Huh? Excuse me?!"
Rico: "Alright enough you two that's it."
Alen & Alice: "SHUT UP!" *yelled at Rico*
Rico: *sigh* "Fist of fury!" Punches both Alen and Alice
Notification screen (Alen):
[Warriors skill-Fist of fury
A skill that allows you to punch any other player and stuns that player for 10 seconds
Cooldown: 3 minutes]
Alen: *sigh* "I guess we deserve that"
Rico: "Alright, so are you guys done?"
Alen & Alice: "Yes"
Rico: "Good, so Alen, what's the plan? You said this isn't virtual right? So we need to stop this killing game."
Alen: *Stare at Rico* "Don't worry, I always have a plan."