Operation Recruit Psycho Pt. 4

The gang started walking and searching for The Reaper.

Second day since game started

08:56 p.m.

Rico: *Yawn* "How long has it been?"

Alice: "Yeah, I'm getting tired."

Aiden: "It is getting late. Are you sure you want to continue?"

Alen: "I'm also getting tired but, where do we wanna stay?"

Stella: "Just ask the guy who's living in Japan."

Everyone except Rico stare at him.

Rico: "Hm?" *Looks around him* "Hey, I know this place." *Realized something* "Follow me!"

The rest of the team followed Rico.

Rico: (It should be around here somewhere.) *gasp* "There it is!"

The rest: *stopped*

Alen: *pant* *pant* "Is this... an apartment?"

Rico: "Yup! They said that this is the best apartment around here! I used to live here when I haven't got a house in Japan!"

Aiden: "Well, I guess you saved us. Thanks Rico."

Rico: "Anytime!"

The five of them went inside the apartment. The boys stayed in a separate room from the girls.

In the girls room.

Alice decided to take a bath first. When she finished, Stella also took a bath. When both of them finished, they started chit chatting.

Stella: "So Alice."

Alice: "Hm?"

Stella: "I know you like my brother, Alen."

Alice: "What?! Are you joking!"

Stella: *Laughed* "Oh. It's okay. I actually don't know. But, it's okay if you like him for once. He used to have a lot of love letters during high school. A lot of girls liked him. But, whenever a girl confess to him, he rejected it. He said "Sorry but, I don't think I can be in a relationship with you." or "I don't wanna be in a relationship yet." And sometimes he even said "I don't think I deserve you. You deserve someone better." Or something like that. But you know, he's actually a nice guy, talented and could be a jerk sometimes." *giggled*

Alice: "I bet he seduced all the girls out there. I couldn't believe that any girl could fell for a perverted guy like him."

Stella: "Haha, that's my girl!"

Alice: *Laughed* (He is a nice guy. But I don't think I'll fell for him. Or will I? Or... maybe I've already fallen for him. I don't know. Maybe I did?)

Stella: "Hey! We should get some sleep! It's getting late already."

Both of them have finally gone to sleep.

Third day since game started

10:11 a.m.

Rico: *Yawn*

Aiden: "Did you get enough sleep yesterday?"

Rico: "Of course I do!"

The team is still searching for Reaper. In the middle of the search, they saw something unexpected.

??? Mysterious group ???: "Where do you think you're going?"

??? Attacked player ???: "Please forgive me! I didn't mean to fight you guys! I was stubborn! Please spare me! I have a family!"

??? Mysterious group ???: "Hey boss, this guy wants forgiveness!"

??? Group boss ???: "You want forgiveness? I'll give you something better. I'll give you peace. Freedom from your suffering world."

??? Attacked player ??? *shaking* "You monsters! I swear that someone! Some group will kill you all! I don't care anymore! Just kill me."

??? Group boss ???: "Wise choice! This one's mine!"

??? Mysterious group ???: "Yeah! Kill him!" *laughed*

??? Group boss ???: "Say hi to god for me!" *evil smile* *kills attacked player*

Rico: (He killed that person with his bare hands?)

Stella: (That's not even a Fighter's skill)

Alen: (Who are those guys?)

??? Group boss ???: "Who are we!"

??? Mysterious group ???: "Vipers!"

??? Vipers leader ???: "What are we!"

Vipers: "Warriors!"

??? Vipers leader: "And what do we do!"

Vipers: "Anything we want!" *laughed*

??? Vipers leader ???: *Laughed*

??? The Reaper ???: "Having fun I see."

Alen: *Shocked*

Alice: (Isn't that...?)

Rico: "Hey Alen! That's him isn't it?" *Speaks while whispering*

Aiden: "Is that the person you guys are searching for?" *speaks while whispering*

??? Vipers leader ???: "Huh? Who are you?"

??? The Reaper ???: "Who am I? I'm the person who's gonna kill you assholes!"

??? Vipers leader ???: "You wanna mess with us?" *giggled* "Track! Show him what were made of!"

Track (Vipers member): "Sure thing boss! Fist of Fury!" *punches Reaper*

??? The Reaper ???: *dodges* "Weak!" *slashes Track* "Death Slash."

Track (Vipers member): *Screams* *Suffering* "AAAAAAHHHHH!!"

Vipers: *shocked*

??? The Reaper ???: "Leave or die!" *Uses threat skill*

Vipers and Vipers leader: *Left*

Vipers: "What? My body is moving by itself! I can't fight it!"

??? Vipers leader ???: *smiled* "I'm sure we'll meet again!"

Rico: "Are they finished?"

Aiden: "I think so."

Stella: "Gladly we hid or else they'll probably kill us when they see us."

Alen: *Walks towards Reaper*

Alice: "Huh? Alen? What are you doing?"

Alen: "Reaper!"

??? The Reaper ???: "Oh! It's you again! So, are you ready to die?"

Alen: "Join me and my friends! Let's form a clan!"