Sixth day since game started
08:56 a.m.
Alen: (Huh? Where am I? Why is it so dark? Why am I lying down? Oh yeah, that's right! I was fighting. I won though. I... killed him. I killed a living person for the first time. This game changes me. Well, he do deserve to die.) *woke up*
Alice: *Yawn* "Guys! Come head downstairs! I'll be preparing us foo-" *shocked* *run towards Alen*
Alen: *Looked at Alice* "Oh, Alice. Good mor-"
Alice: *Hugs Alen* "Alen! You're awake!" *sob* "Thank God! Thank God, you're okay!" *sob *sob*
Alen: "What? Of course I'm awake. Are you crying?"
Alice: *Shocked* "I'm not crying!" *blushes*
Alen: "But you just-"
Alen: "Ok! Ok! Yes! You're not crying!" *scared*
Stella: *Looked at Alen and Alice*
Alen & Alice: *Looked at Stella*
Stella: "Right, I forgot something upstairs."
The group woke up and ate breakfast together. They've decided to not practice today. Well, it's almost the end of the game anyway so, they taught it would be fine to not practice.
Stella: So Alen, what happened to you yesterday?
Alen: "Huh?"
Ned: "She meant when you fought Shane the other day."
Stella: "Oh! His name is Shane?"
Ned: "Yeah."
Alen: "Shane. I killed him."
Stella: "Yeah, we know."
Alen: "It's my first time killing someone."
Ned: "Didn't you say it yourself. He deserved to die."
Alen: "Yeah."
Stella: "Well, enough of Shane. Now, tell us what made you unconscious. You're never like this before, ever."
Alen: "I don't know. I was fighting Shane then, I saw you three getting knocked out and threaten. I was... angry. From there, I felt some sort of power. It's a powerful one and so strong that I couldn't control it. My body just moved on its own."
Stella: "That's weird."
Ned: "Is it a skill?"
Alen: "Probably."
Stella: "How di you know?"
Ned: "Well, everything's here is real except our powers. Our powers are just virtual."
Alen: (A skill? But what skill? It's not any of the skills that I've unlocked.)
Rico: "Well, it's no use thinking about it. Let's just fill up our day with good things. The problems done anyway."
Aiden: "He's right! And also, Alen! Me and Stella will be coming home the day after tomorrow. It makes us miss home seeing you here."
Rico: "Me too! Seeing you guys here makes me want to come home too!"
Alen: "Ok! Then, what about you guys?" *looked at both Ned and Alice*
Ned: "We're fine. Well, it's nice knowing y'all." *smiled*
Alice: "Yeah! I'm happy that I got to meet you guys and make some new friends. Thanks you guys!"
Rico: "No problem!"
Aiden: "Anytime!"
Stella: "Don't worry Alice my girl. We could still keep in touch online."
Alice: "Yeah, you're right!"
Alen: "Well, I guess we'll only have to wait for tomorrow."
The seventh and last day since game started
23:48 p.m.
Alen: "I guess it's time."
Alice: "Yeah, nice knowing you!"
Alen: *Smiled*
Alice: "Hey Alen!"
Alen: "Hm?"
Alice: "Actually, I um... I think... I think I-"
Aiden: "Hey Alen!"
Alen: "Yeah?"
Aiden: "Can you come and pick me up tomorrow by 12 p.m. at the station. I think we should arrive around that time."
Alen: "Yeah, sure!"
Aiden: "Ok! Thanks bro!"
Alen: "Anytime" *looked back at Alice* "Sorry. So, what were you saying."
Alice: "Um... n-never mind. It's not important anyway."
Alen: "Okay then."
A sound appeared. It's the game developer.
??? Game developer ???: "Champions! It's 11:59 p.m.! Congratulations for all of you who have survived! Now you all can go home! Have fun at home and come play again if you have fun! Goodbye!"
Alice: "Well, I guess this is goodbye."
Alen: "Yeah! Goodbye Alice! And thanks!"
Alice: "Me too! Thanks! Goodbye!"
The team was teleported to their homes and the game finally ended.