REVENGE-Chapter 11~The plan A


After what happened between me and my husband Dennis, we decided to come to an agreement. The four of us including me ,Dennis,Eric and my worst nightmare Princess. I wasn't comfortable when Dennis announced that she will be joining us. I guess I had to accept it since I love my man.

The next morning , Dennis and I woke up early to get ready for the plan. I took my shower and dressed up for my parents house. I was accompanied by Princess as my savior. At the ranch, Princess and I made a plan that Dennis decided to kill me with a machete but Princess find me and saved me.Princess made up a that story and I saw that my parents especially my daddy had really believed our little drama. I pleaded with my parents to let Princess to stay with us since she is a stranger who just arrived in the city. Princess made up a story quickly by saying she is a journalist who works in Japan and had come to the city to work for sometime. She also added that she had no where to sleep so my parents decided to accept her in the house. Princess was to keep an eye on me that's why she had to be with me. This was suggested by Dennis due to the lack of trust in me all in the name of what my parents did. For the past two weeks, Princess and I had be living in the ranch . I decided to start up my plan to get the documents signed to Dennis. I started by convincing my daddy by saying that he is old and what if Dennis and his family comes for our property. I suggested that my daddy should transfer the documents of the ranch in my name. My dad decided to think about it with my mother . The next day, I had a call from both of them in their office at the ranch. I was wondering why they were calling me but I figured it out quickly what they were about to tell me. On my arrival I heard a surprising news from both of them. They made up their decision to allow me to handle the properties since they were having hundred percent trust in me. They advised me to handle it well . They later called their most trusted lawyer to have everything in my name. I was very happy and at the same time was feeling guilt since I was betraying my own parents. After my encounter with my parents, I later signed everything in Dennis name and I later went to my room to cry. Princess bumped into my room all of a sudden and said "the document mission successfully accomplished". I was so confused what they had next under their sleeve .

~To be continued ~