Chapter 96. Time Loop! Unlimited Base! Kill the Time Variance Authority!

[Just as the terrifying wave of earth and stone was about to engulf the two Loki, two portals opened behind them at the same time.]

[The Time Variance Authority's minutemen rushed out of the portal, grabbed the two Loki, and escorted them into the portal.]

[The doomsday continued, but Loki survived.]

"Hoo ..."

Seeing both himself and Sylvie being arrested by a group of minutemen on screen and even getting strapped with time collars around their necks...

Loki exhaled a long sigh of relief instead.

So far, he had seen his own two tragic deaths on the screen in front of him.

The first time was being choked to death by Thanos, and the second time was when he let go of his own accord and fell into the vortex.

Loki didn't consider himself a particularly strong-willed person, so ... he really didn't want to see the image of his own tragic death again.

[At that moment, the image suddenly turned, and a magnificent building complex appeared.]

[The architecture of this building was peculiar and not at all Earth-like, but it gave the impression of being solemn and elegant, almost awe-inspiring.]

As soon as he saw the buildings and the towering palace in the very middle, Loki's expression changed to a faint smile.

"Asgard? Why is it here?"

At this point, Odin's eye also seemed grave.

[The video continued.]

[A little girl in a green robe, holding dolls in both her hands, was playing a game.]

["The dragon swoops towards the palace ..."]

[The little girl held up the dragon doll in her right hand and made a downward dive, followed by stopping the dragon with the Valkyrie doll in her right hand]

["The Valkyrie flies over, defeats the dragon, and saves Asgard."]

[Just as the little girl was having fun, a golden portal opened behind her, and several Time-Variance Authority minutemen emerged from the portal.]

[The woman in the lead was none other than the female judge]

[However, at this point, she appeared to be just an ordinary low-level minuteman.]

[The female guard picked up the time controller in her hand, took one look at it, and then reached out and pointed at the little girl.]

["There's our variant."]

[Several people rushed forward and grabbed the little girl while the female guard readout beside them...]

["On the authority of the Time-Keepers, I hereby arrest you for crimes against the Sacred Timeline."]

[The female guard took the screaming little girl into the portal, leaving only one sentence when she left...]

["Reset it."]

[When ordered, a minuteman took out a Reset Charge from his pocket and placed it on the ground.]

[Soon, after being activated, the Reset Charge turned all the toys left by the little girl into nothingness.]

[The little girl was brought to Time Variance Authority by the female guard.]

[Here, she went through everything that Loki had gone through before, being changed into prison clothes, being forced to register, and finally being brought to court.]

[But in court, the little girl bravely resisted.]

[She mercilessly bit the hand of the female guard and grabbed the time controller from her.]

[Watching the little girl open the golden portal in front of her, the female guard suddenly widened her eyes in disbelief.]

['Are you kidding me?!']

[So many terrifying, Multiverse-based monsters have failed to escape from Time Variance Authority.]

['This little girl, how can she ...']

[Staring hard at the female guard, the little girl turned around and rushed into the golden portal.]

Seeing that, even Odin's expression changed.

'Who is that little girl?'

'Looking at her familiar clothes and the robe draped over her back, does that mean ...'

At this point, the live streaming room, as well as the chat group, had exploded into a frenzy.

[Thor: What's going on? Isn't that Asgard? Those Time Variance Authority bastards! How dare they run amuck in Asgard! I'm going to kill them!!]

[Tony Stark: That girl looks very familiar to me. Can it be … that woman?]

[Stephen Strange: I think you're right.]

[Loki Odin: The female variant of ... Loki?]

[Peter Parker: Oh! Now I see the scene just now is Ms Sylvie's childhood.]

[Peter Parker: Just now, Ms Sylvie said that when she was a child, she was taken away by the Time Variance Authority as a variant.]

[Wanda Maximoff: You mean that the little girl is the female Loki? She looks cute.]

[Thor: Hahaha, I remember Loki wore similar clothes to that little girl when he was a kid, very cute indeed!]

[Loki Odinson: Shut up! Don't use 'cute' to describe me. Besides, it was many years ago.]

[Master Mordo: Wait, you seem to have forgotten something.]

[Stephen Strange: Master Mordo, what do you mean?]

[Master Mordo: According to Mobius, there's no Multiverse at all, only one eternal Sacred Timeline.]

[Master Mordo: If that's the case, what's the deal with this little girl Loki?]

[Tony Stark: Yes! If only one Loki is allowed to exist... Then this little girl should have been trimmed by the Time Variance Authority when she was just born.]

[Tony Stark: But they didn't come until ... this female variant of Loki had grown so big. It doesn't look right in any way, does it?]

[Stephen Strange: One more thing you may have forgotten.]

[Stephen Strange: In the previous image, Mobius ... said something when reporting to the judge.]

[Stephen Strange: He said Loki might not necessarily be evil, he may be tired of it and wants a change!]

[Stephen Strange: If there was only one Sacred Timeline, then he's absolutely not allowed to change, his words are simply outrageous!]

[Peter Parker: You mean... the so-called Sacred Timeline doesn't actually exist?]

[Stephen Strange: That's right. On the contrary, the infinite Multiverse exists all the time!]

Seeing this statement from Strange, from Tony to Loki, the several people in the live stream room were secretly relieved.

Although they had often said before, Time Variance Authority were liars, the Time-Keepers didn't exist and so on...

Those were just guesses, after all.

Now, this video that was playing right now was solid evidence!

The Multiverse was real!

In each Multiverse, there were different Lokis. There were men and women, and there may even be old and young!

The claim that Time Variance Authority reeled Multiverses into a single timeline ... was purely a lie!

After confirming that, Peter frowned again and muttered in a low voice...

"Since Multiverses exists, and these Time Variance Authority people are still attacking everywhere, what are they maintaining?"

"Also, since they didn't cut Ms Sylvie out when she was born, why did they wait for her to grow up into a little girl? "

Listening to Peter's doubts, Strange thought about it and said...

"In the initial video, this was what the female judge said to Mobius."

"Loki is an evil, lying scourge. This is the kind of role he plays in the Sacred Timeline!"

"If what he said was true, then we could understand it this way ..."

"The so-called Sacred Timeline is not just one, but many."

"In many Multiverses, there would be a Sacred Timeline, which the direction of would be determined by the Time Variance Authority."

"And Loki's role, in all the Multiverses, is an evil, lying scoundrel."

"Once Loki deviates from that setting, it's possible that a branch would be formed, giving rise to a new Multiverse."

"As soon as such a thing is detected, Time Variance Authority would step in and crop out the 'good' Loki!"

Tony listened with some curiosity and asked...

"How could you remember what that female judge said so clearly?"

Strange shrugged his shoulders...

"I have a photographic memory. I don't forget anything I've seen."

At this time, Loki was stunned!

His whole body was completely frozen. Only the words echoed in his mind.

'I can only be the bad guy???'

Peter was also taken aback by this but immediately said...

"Mr Strange, that's a bit presumptive. After all, from the videos, we've seen Mr Loki sacrifice himself for Thor in the future."

"That's undoubtedly a heroic feat! No bad guy would ever do that."

At this moment, young Wanda also spoke with a pout ...

"Yeah, the female Loki in the video is just a little girl. What did she do wrong? Why is it regarded as a variant?"

Before Strange could answer, Loki himself suddenly smiled bitterly.

"I see ..."

The smile on Loki's face grew more and more bitter as he murmured in a low voice...

"The future me did do something that didn't fit the setting when I was dealing with Thanos, but he died right away! And that little girl ..."

Loki gently shook his head.

"Do you guys remember what game she was playing before the Time Variance Authority people showed up?"

Tony thoughtfully said ...

"Valkyrie? Repelling the dragon that invaded Asgard..."

"That ..."

Peter was suddenly stunned when he heard that, and a chill suddenly ran up his spine.

Natasha, who had been silent, whispered...

"The little girl wanted to be a hero, not a Goddess of Mischief."

"Bingo! "

Tony gave Natasha a thumbs up...

"That's what happened."

"In other words, Loki, in any Multiverse, has to always be an evil liar, under the setting of the Time Variance Authority."

"If they became a good person, they would immediately die."

"But if like that little girl aspires to be a hero from a young age, it will destroy her whole 'setting', and the Time Variance Authority will have to step in!"

Hearing that, the live streaming room suddenly fell into silence.

Although Loki didn't say a word, anger was already burning in his eyes.

'On what grounds?'

'Who do those Time Variance Authority think they are?'

'How dare they define this Loki's life?'

'Is it your business whether I am an 'evil liar' or not?'

But when he thought of that, Loki frowned. He suddenly sneered and calmed down.

'So, once I 'turn' and become a good person, you bastards who think you can control my life can't resist, can you?'


'I won't have to go looking for you!'

At this moment, Loki had secretly made up his mind.

When the time-stopping power of 'The World' grew stronger, he was going to do some good deeds and see if... he could draw out the Time Variance Authority!

By then, he was going to fight back!


Just then, the images on the screen also took a new turn.

[The video continued.]

[In the Time Variance Authority, the two Loki were separated.]

[It was his old friend, Mobius, who led Loki towards the interrogation room.]

[Loki looked a little displeased that two guards only arrested him.]

["By the way, I should have an equal amount of security."]

["This is insulting!"]

[Mobius sneered, "You just can't help yourself, can you?"]

[Loki yelled at him, "You betrayed me!"]

[Mobius retorted, "You betrayed me!"]

["Oh, grow up!"]

["You grow up!"]

[The two bickered like children while walking to the main door of the interrogation room.]

[Pushing open the door, Loki discovered that this was the room where the videos of his future were shown.]

[At this point, Mobius smiled coldly, "You know it occurred to me that you're not really the God of Mischief."]

["Oh, here it comes."]

[Loki looked up and laughed.]

["The folksy, dopey insult from the folksy dope."]

["What am I?"]

["The God of Self-Sabotage, yeah? The God of Back-Stabbing?"]

[Mobius lifted the time controller in his hand and coldly said...]

["Just kind of an asshole and a bad friend."]

["Yeah, chew on that for a little bit."]

[Mobius pressed the time controller in his hand, and a red portal immediately appeared in front of Loki.]

[Seemingly aware that something terrible was about to happen, Loki struggled violently and shouted as he struggled.]

["What is this?"]

[Mobius: "You'll see."]


[Feeling that there was no way that anything good was behind this door, Loki struggled desperately, shouting as he did so.]


["Okay, let him talk. One last desperate trick from the desperate trickster. Go ahead."]

[Loki calmed down, looked at Mobius, and said.]

["The TVA is lying to you."]

["That's it?"]

[Mobius smiled sarcastically and ordered, "Throw him in."]


[Despite the attempts to resist, Loki was pushed into the red portal by the two minutemen.]

[After passing through the red portal, Loki looked left and right, and the expression on his face suddenly turned strange.]

[He had seen this place before.]

["What? Hehe... Seriously?"]

[With his hands spread out, Loki laughed.]

[Isn't this in Asgard's palace?]

[What's the point of Mobius sending him here?]

[At that moment, a woman's voice suddenly sounded behind him.]


[Loki turned around with a look of surprise.]


[The female warrior Sif was there, with half of the hair on her head cut off. She came walking over, full of anger. Scolding while walking.]

["You conniving, craven, pathetic worm! You did this!"]


[Looking at Sif's short black hair, tightly held in her left hand, Loki finally felt something was wrong.]


[Sif came up first with a hard slap.]

["I hope you know you deserve to be alone, and you always will be."]

["All right."]

[After being slapped, Loki finally sobered up.]

["A bad memory prison? How quaint."]

[Listening to Loki's nonsense, Sif, without saying anything, came up with a knee attack and kneed Loki's vital spot! Then she punched him in the face and knocked him to the ground.]

[After the beat down, Sif didn't even look at Loki and directly left.]


[Loki knelt on the ground and twitched for a while before he could barely look up.]

[That kind of pain really hits a man right in the heart.]

["Same punishment. I remember exactly what I did after that."]

["I went and had a nice, hot bath and a glass of wine, and I never thought about it again."]

[Just when Loki thought it was over …]

[Sif's voice sounded behind him again.]

["You conniving, craven, pathetic worm! You did this..."]


[Looking at the angry Sif, walking over with clenched fists.]

[Loki's mouth opened wide. An expression of disbelief filled his face as if he had seen the most absurd and overwhelming thing in the world.]

["Hang on ..."]

[Loki tried to defend himself, but he was only greeted by Sif with a slap.]

["I hope you know you deserve to be alone, and you always will be!"]

[And then there's the severe knee that seems to have been rehearsed a thousand times! And a hard head-on punch!]


[Kneeling on the ground for a long time, Loki looked up.]

[Only then did he understand what had happened.]

["Time loops. How lovely..."]

[Just as Loki came back to his senses, that's when that familiar voice came from behind him again.]

["You! You conniving, craven, pathetic worm ..."]

[Looking at Sif's murderous sprint, Loki hastily held out his hands.]

["Okay. Okay, Sif. Hang on."]


["No, you hear this. You deserve to be alone...!"]

[Getting a slap in the face. Loki didn't even have time to shout in pain, so he went on with what Sif said.]

["And I always will be. All right, I get it."]

[Next, he tried his best to explain what had happened to Sif.]

"Listen. You're a reconstruction of a past event. Created by the organisation that controls all of the time."]

["So you need to trust me, and you need to help me escape. Yeah?"]

[After listening to Loki's words, Sif nodded her head and placed her hands on Loki's shoulders, watching Loki's heart flutter.]

["Okay, good."]

[Then, the familiar pain instantly spread through his whole body from the vital point.]

[Looking at Loki, who was knocked to the ground, Sif spoke with disdain...]


In the otherworldly live stream room.

Watching the terrible scene on-screen that seemed to go on endlessly. All the men were pale; even Peter Parker was no exception.

Loki himself was even paler, and the cold sweat on his forehead was streaming down.

And some part of him also felt a little pain.

'No way!'

'This kind of punishment is too terrifying!'

Stephen Strange, who was standing nearby, looked at the scene before him, which was both bizarre and horrific, and a strange thought suddenly flooded his mind.

Why did he have a feeling that this scene ... seemed to have been experienced by himself?

At that thought, Strange quickly shook his head and shook the thought out of his mind.

'No way, it should be some kind of optical illusion.'

In Kamar Taj.

Looking at the scene on screen, Master Ancient One showed a faint smile on her face.

"Interesting that someone other than a Time Stone wielder would know how to use such a time loop."

"It was so much fun."



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