Time flies in the most interesting of ways. Njomon lit the skies as the city was active with many people roaming the bridges from building to building on this night.
"Are we all ready?" Kai asked as he approached the group awaiting him on the deck of the Booster.
"Yes, a Paddler is in the water already for us. Three individuals handpicked to venture with us for this task," Leon responded.
With a slight nod, the five of them began to climb down the side and onto the Paddler. A Paddler was a smaller boat meant for a tiny group to travel with no accommodations at all, besides the wind-powered automatic paddle system that would paddle the boat as assistance for traveling, thus the name Paddler.
The small boat slowly drifted over the dark waters and to the end of the docks that reached far out from the city. Once the boat was tied up, the five members of Faerlu climbed off and onto the docks. Almost simultaneously, all five of them pulled their hoods up.
"Let's split up. Portam, Dulgit, and Leon. Grab what you need for provisions," while saying this, Kai throws them a few separate sacks of Bolts.
A Bolt being small metal coins, and one of the main currencies in the Expanse.
"Aida you're with me; I once heard a rumor of where to find information on the Old Government. But then again you never know considering there haven't been reports on how to find them in over a hundred years."
"Well shit, you didn't mention that before," Dulgit commented from the side.
"Everything in the Scarfil is another journey in its own," Leon smirked.
"Meet back here in a few hours, if one is missing circle back every hour afterward until we are all back aboard," all five of them nodded in agreement before leaving after Kai finished.
Portam, Dulgit, and Leon all headed towards the marketplace.
They wore sky blue cloaks they found upon the Booster, their heads hung low as they stuck to the shadows in the overpopulated area. The three split one by one as they reached the long line of buildings selling supplies for all of the travelers and civilians alike.
Dulgit split first, heading to the Navigational building to scavenge for maps and unique trinkets. Portam went second, the hot fiery smoke that purged itself from a giant chimney became his destination, materials for future weapons called to him. Last was Leon, who headed to the local vegetable and meat tables.
'Eileen has been cooking her ass off, best make sure there is enough food to last us until our next stop.' He thought to himself.
Once he had spent quite a while picking out and paying for giant sacks of food and drinks of all sorts, he gave the Kin to pay for it all and noticed out of the corner of his eye as a few individuals dressed in dark green armor walked into a nearby building.
'Is that Sygnen Faction members?'
"Bring it to the docks I'll meet you there shortly," Leon spoke to the salesman before throwing him extra Bolts.
Leon slowly crept across the Marketplace and to the building the men had walked into. Moving to the side, he walked up to a slightly as it was cracked open to vent out extra heat from the insanely hot building.
"They need to know when, we can't wait forever," one of the three men stated, his black beard was clean shaved, but his hair was long and to his shoulders.
"Well, dammit Riff, I can't be too obvious. The one that's leading this crusade, he trusts me, we have a bond forming. I can't rush things," the other voice responded.
Leon couldn't make out who the person the Sygnen Soldiers were talking to. Between the loud cheers of people drinking over the bridge, to the many crewmates of other ships finding the resources they needed for their journeys, he could barely hear himself think.
"The Dusk Alliance accepts no new Factions into the Scarfil, yes you have been gone for a few years, but Guardian Ryfan would be highly disappointed," the man known as Rif responded to the unknown individual.
"I understand, give me a few more weeks and I'll be ready to go."
With that, Riff nodded slightly before turning with the other two men and leaving the building. Leon stood with his hood up hidden in the darkness towards the front of the building that he was eavesdropping in.
He waited a few more moments before an individual in a sky-blue cloak walked out, giant sacks full of heavy items filled them clearly. Leon leaned around the corner and reached a hand out to pull the hood off of the traitor, but as his hand neared the hood, his whole body was lunged back into the darkness of the small ally he had just been hiding in.
His back slammed against the wall of one of the two buildings, but the darkness hid who was standing directly before him.