Villain Outbreak V

Skylar tried to think of a plan then. From the few physics classes he took back in college, he knew that the larger someone's mass is, the harder it becomes for them to maneuver around. Such was why you were often given advice to run in zig-zags when chased by an elephant. Chances are - they're so big that they'll fall to their own weight.

"Who knew Mrs Jenson's class would come in handy," Skylar whispered.

Skylar was not a fighter. He had never - will never and have never claimed to be a fighter, always being one to search for a peaceful resolution when engaged with aggressive Alphas or catty Omegas. He liked it that way - the energy of peace and love. His ex had unfortunately realized that as a weakness after her awakening and had forced him to learn self-defense. Of course, he later realized it was just so that she wouldn't worry so much over him cheating on her - something she had done.

"Have you prepared yet, mate?" The Goliath's loud voice shook him out of his thoughts. Big, hulking Alpha to deal with right now. Getting angry at his ex would come later.

A quick measure of the distance and luckily for him, the Goliath was in his range. Skylar didn't reply, and summoned forth black tentacles under the big Alpha's feet, remembering lesson number one from her.

Surprise attack, reign king.

"?!" The Goliath noticed the tentacles under his feet, but found his body too big to actually evade the surprise attack as the black oozes latched onto his arms and legs, holding him down. "Not again!" But unfortunately for Skylar, the Goliath had been prepared for it this time, twisting his body around so that he could spin and effectively use his momentum to rip free of the tentacles.

Skylar took quick to his feet. He quickly summoned more tentacles, but this time he combined them to make a moderately big one, prioritizing quality over quantity as he held just one leg down. The Goliath may be inhumanely strong but he was a power type which were notoriously weak against Control types like him. It was like matching fire against water - a mismatch so bad it allowed someone as weak as him to lock down the Goliath like this.

Despite the Goliath's loud cries, he could also hear something approaching them from the distance - something that sounded like sonic booms with the crescending hum of an airplane lifting off. SHE was close, he would bet that she was close enough that she should be able to arrive anytime now.

A roar, the largest roar and a bright flash of light interrupted Skylar's thoughts as he was launched back by something that felt like a truck had run into him, sending him tumbling back before crashing against a nearby car.

"Ghrh," He wheezed in pain. His lungs were nearly crushed and something red-warm ran down his cheeks. His eyes were half-blinded, ears annoyingly ringing, the rust of blood filled his mouth and for Christ's sake, everytime he tried to breathe, it felt like a million little icicles were stabbing his lungs.

But even as he felt the most physical pain he had ever felt, he realized then that he might not make it until SHE arrived. With all the force he could muster, he looked up with his good eye, seeing a blinding white-hot flame surrounding the Goliath's body as a cold expression adorned his face.

Skylar had been wrong. This Goliath - Samson wasn't a mere experiment gone wrong, he was a whole lab that had blown up to bits. Everyone knew that Power types were already stupidly strong with its shortcomings, but who had the audacity to pair up a Power type with a Manipulation type as well.

Now he wondered if SHE could even defeat this flaming giant. Honestly, he looked like he belonged in Greek mythology. God, his lungs really hurt.

The smoldering giant walked towards him, no longer wild nor boisterous like before. Just an icy, cold swagger in his steps that contrasted with the heat wafting off him. The closer he got to Skylar, the more he controlled his flames and by the time he got up close to Skylar, his flames were just barely at simmering levels as he looked down at the wheezing boy.

"Submit," Samson ordered him, this time WITHOUT his Alpha voice.

Skylar couldn't hear what he had said but he still had enough calm to read the giant's lips. He wanted to yell and deny the giant his submission but right now, he felt pain. And more than the pain, he just felt. . . tired. All those laps he ran and the adrenaline from using his ability past it's limits had him drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Submit," Samson ordered him again, flames starting to get hotter by the minute.

Skylar felt defeated and wanted to sleep. Before he could do anything, he took a glance at his best friend who was struggling internally to run out there and save him. . .but couldn't. Now that Samson had revealed himself to be a Power AND a Manipulation type, she would just get the both of them killed. Life wasn't a movie after all. Skylar usually wondered what happened to the ordinary people when the Heroes arrived late in the movies, what the weak did to survive in a world of humans that could twist reality into their makings. He never thought that he would be experiencing it for himself like this.

Skylar accidentally gulped the blood in his mouth, wincing in pain when it spiked against his badly damaged trachea.

"Submit," Samson ordered him one last time in his Alpha voice, flames getting dangerously hot.

Taking a painful deep breath, Skylar tried to sit up straight but after realizing that he couldn't, he settled for leaning against the crashed car. He took a couple deep breaths, ignoring his strong instinct to submit and after mustering up the will, he cracked his head up and looked unyielding into the eyes of the flaming giant.

"No," Skylar rejected him. That was all he could do before his head lolled back down and he closed his eyes in defeat.

"I see," Samson muttered ominously. "Then, you must die." His flames started to rage enough for Skylar to feel his skin boil.