His Alpha (6)

Eve's hands trembled as she reached for Skylar's face who recoiled in disgust. "You smell!" She sniffed herself, remembering that she had gone for a couple of drinks and the smell must have carried over. But it wasn't her fault - he was the reason she had been drinking late after all.

So as punishment, she refrained from cleaning herself with her powers and grabbed onto the sides of Skylar's head, oh god were his cheeks soft. She heard him whine and move his head away as she attempted to scent him but the struggle only helped to arouse her even further.

She took deep breaths, exhaling puffs of hot air, wondering the last time she had been this excited. There had always been something about Skylar that managed to push her buttons, no matter the situation. Maybe, it was the way he looked at her in disgust whenever she met him. Or maybe, it was how his innocent eyes were always full of fear when she was in the same room. Or maybe it was just his fat, juicy, fertile ass that clearly needed an Alpha's knot stuffed inside it.

A quick look down at him and she knew then that none of the other whores would ever match up to this boy with blue eyes - her boy with blue eyes.

"My beautiful Omega," Eve muttered while looking into his enchanting eyes. "My baby boy. You'll be good for me, won't you?"

Skylar didn't know what came over him, but something about the way Eve said that finally caused him to snap. All those years of repressed hatred and frustration over her had caught up to him. So, with all the will and anger he could muster, he gave her a look of absolute hatred before he chomped down onto her wrist.

Eve must have let her guard down as instead of a hard, psychic barrier, Skylar tasted soft skin tear at the contact with his teeth.

"Argh!" Eve reacted violently, slapping him backhand before clutching onto her bleeding wrist in pain. Instantly, the room was filled with raging, Alpha pheromones.

Skylar tried to take his phone and dial Sam but just before he could tap on the 'Call' button, he had been lifted up due to a very angry Eve's psychic prowess. Skylar struggled mid-air like an infant trying to learn how to swim. One look at Eve's wrist and he saw that it had been healed as her entire body was now covered in a protective thin, purple sheen.

"You fucking bitch," Eve growled at his face. "You think you can be smart with me like you did with that little giant?"

Skylar's face morphed into shock. "You saw tha-"

"Of course, I fucking did. It was all over the news," Eve's features darkened. "Especially how that bitch Para-ass was all over you."

Skylar wanted to retort and tell her that she was crazy but all he could let out was a sharp wheeze when he felt an invisible hand on his throat, squeezing hard enough for him to choke, slowly.

"What was it they were calling you on the news? The Omega Who Stood Against An Alpha?" Eve laughed like a villain. "Your little act of defiance against a pup Alpha might have gotten all the Omegist's panties in a twist but we both know what you truly are."

"You're nothing but a scared, little bitch. An Omega who'll spread it for any Alpha with a little bit of fame to their name," Eve accused him with a snarl. "That's why you wanted to cheat on me with Para-ass, didn't you?"

"But it's okay, baby, I forgive you," Eve said, suddenly all kind as she gently stroked Skylar's flushed face. "I mean it's not your fault you forgot who you belong to. You're just an Omega, after all."

"Can't. . .breat. . ," Skylar gasped and huffed, using all his power to - that's it! His powers! Immediately, he summoned forth his tentacles that latched onto Eve's hand and tried to push it but all he got was an amused giggle from her.

"These cute, little things - they're so versatile. So good for anything but a fight. Oh right," Eve grinned like a cheshire cat as an idea and a boner popped into existence. She petted the tentacles like they were her doggie. "I remember exactly how we used them. Luckily for you, I've been nothing but fucking horny since I came in here."

Skylar felt her hold on his neck disappear but he couldn't even take a good breath in before he found himself knocked back onto the bed, invisible chains holding his arms and legs wide-open. He broke out in cold sweat as he desperately hoped that she wasn't going to do what he thought she was going to do.

He took a long, deep breath in, tears streaming down his cheeks as he begged. "Please. Don't do this, Eve."

"Mmn," Eve's body shook in pleasure as she levitated into the room. A light orgasm struck her. "That's it, baby. Keep saying my name, it'll only make my knot bigger."

Her balls flexed at the thought of breeding him again. To feel his warmth all wrapped up against her knot like the good Omega he is. After all, she knew exactly what an Omega wanted and what any Omega wanted was an Alpha like her. Some might argue with her methods and call it rape but most of them were just cucks of an Alpha anyway.

She could already hear the groans of disappointment when those pathetic Alpha lost a chance at knotting this beautiful Omega. Well, it's not like they even had a claim on him as long as she was around. Not even that Para-bitch.