Two Alphas, One Omega (5)


His breathing eventually returned to normal as he looked up at the 'warm' smile blooming on Eve's face like the spring after a cold winter, or a fiery summer in this case. He curled to a protective ball as he kowtowed and pleaded with a wobbly voice, ". . .G-Go away."

He had already done what she wanted. He had already been humiliated, insulted and mocked to the point that he wanted to jump out the window. He had never sunken deeper than today.

But it seems that Eve still had other plans. Her voice was crispy and mocking in tone. "Okay sure but again, you'll have to do something for me."


Skylar couldn't hold back his anger anymore. He looked into her eyes and yelled, "What more do you want from me?!"

He quickly regretted his outburst as her smile disappeared as quick as it had appeared, and with a cold look in her raven black eyes, she held the letter and envelope in her hands before him before she said, "Nothing much." She smirked after.

Skylar couldn't even reach out for them in time before black flames appeared from her fingertips, instantly burning both the presents Paragon had left for him. She let the paper fall into his hands but by the time it reached him, they had already burned to a crisp, turning into brilliant, black motes that escaped his fingertips. All Skylar could do was sit there in shock, kneeling over the carpet as he looked at his open palms that should have been holding Paragon's invitations. He couldn't even utter a single word, his brain absolutely befuddled as to how this entire thing could have happened.

Eve, on the other hand, couldn't help the massive boner rising in her pants when she saw the stunned look on Skylar's face. You could say his expression satisfied her enough that she had already forgiven him for his affair. What was he thinking, trying to cheat on her like that?

"Don't be so sad, Skye," Eve swooned at the shocked boy. She decided to put salt onto his wounds. "I'm sure you'll have another chance to meet your little hero."

She reached for his chin, staring into his dead eyes that seemed to have lost their emotions as a shiver ran through her spine. This, this was what she wanted to see on his face. To her, a lack of emotions meant that she could completely monopolize his love for herself, not to mention the fact that she wouldn't have to worry about him cheating on her again. She could see it in his eyes, once so full of hope and determination now reduced to empty, muddy blue eyes.

Giving him a loving stroke of his cheek, she held onto his face with both of her hands and craned her neck forward, her long black hair creating a curtain around their faces.

"You're all mine now," Eve said, reaching slowly for a kiss but Skylar couldn't care. At this point, Skylar couldn't feel, see or hear anything other than the cold, void in his chest.

She had taken everything from him. And by the cold kiss on his lips, he could tell she would take even more. Because that was what Eve was now - nothing more than an evil demon that had come to take his soul away.

Only this time, she succeeded.


For the past hour or so, Skylar just sat there on the floor, still holding the non-existent remnants of the letter close to his heart. By this point, he was the only one in the room as Eve had long since left for her work, happily whistling away like it was her birthday.

So, it was just Skylar, his broken mind and a phone that buzzed every five to six seconds.

He could tell that it was from Sam even without looking at it. After all, there wasn't a day, especially morning, where she wouldn't send him weird memes or videos she found on the net. She wanted to brighten his day, apparently. It usually made him groan when he would awake to the sound of his phone buzzing a bazillion times at 6am in the morning.

Now? Now, he didn't even have the energy to think about Sam. It felt like his soul had left his body the moment Eve decided to burn his letter away. To watch as the last form of communication he had with his long time crush burn to a crisp just with a snap of her fingers.

It was a surreal experience. The moment he realized he would never be able to contact Paragon and therefore, stand her up for their date today. Just the very image of her disappointed and betrayed expression stole every last bit of energy in his body.

He couldn't care about the black ashes or scorched marks in his room. He couldn't care about how he would have to buy a new dress now. Ah, perhaps he didn't have to since Eve had ruined any chances of him going to the date. Even if he wanted to, the outfit that he and Sam spent so long finding had been destroyed as the plastic bag containing it had been burnt along with the room.

Not to mention, he was stuck in this room until Eve got back. A quick look around his room and one would see how it gleamed purple-black every five minutes, a barrier of sorts had been wrapped around his entire apartment and now he couldn't leave.


The beginning of a sob resounded throughout the seared room. Skylar didn't even know how many times he had cried just in the one day that Eve had forced into his life. He looked upon his image in the cracked mirror which reflected a poor, little crying Omega boy that would have awakened any Alpha's protective instinct.

He hugged his knees, bringing his face down so that he couldn't see or hear himself crying. He hated when he cried, it always made him feel so ugly and weak, like he was the stereotypical crying, whiny Omega. It felt like he was swallowing stones everytime he breathed, which only worsened his weeping.

Why did this have to happen? Once more, he swallowed a lump in his throat as he sniffled. This was what he got for getting his hopes up. Perhaps, he was destined to never meet Paragon face to face in this lifetime, forever condemned to looking at her glowing visage behind a screen.

A sad smile curled across his cheeks. Yeah, that must be it. Maybe, this was actually a blessing in disguise that he wouldn't be able to meet Paragon. What was he thinking? This was what he got for being so cocky to think that he so much as deserved to go on a date with her. She must have only been interested in someone like him as just a friend. Anyone would, really. He swallowed his melancholy, just like all the other times he'd been reminded of his worthlessness, and wondered if he should just submit to Eve, once and for all.

If he did so, perhaps he might never have to be embarrassed like this. Sure, he'll probably get hurt by her a couple times but at least it beat being in the dumps like this. Yeah, that's probably what the universe wants too. He remembered his parents saying that, if he did good things in this life, in the next, he would be blessed with a good life.

He must have been a demon lord in his previous life. But it's okay. He'll suffer for this life, just like God wanted him to. His only request was that, perhaps in the next life, he would be able to meet with Paragon again, even if she didn't remember him.

His heart clenched at the thought of never seeing Paragon and her bright smiles again.

'Take deep breaths' Skylar told himself. With a few breaths, he felt his pain alleviate, even if it was only for a second.

Good things will come to good people.