Can't crash me


Dasha continues walking downstairs until she stops when she saw shoes, she looks up, and throw the clothes to the guy.

"Take that, Theo" (glares).

"Looking for me too early, don't worry, give me your body literally, and I'll be yours eternally," man with the black royal coat seriously speaks staring at her.

"Oh boy, body is something can't be easily given just because you say so," she uttered, turning back (going downstairs) and he follows her.

"Be careful with what you said, every girl ends up being obsessed with me."

"Oh boy, you're really something, Theo."

(They went down meeting Novel and Camp)

"Dasha you're alive? I mean, we're going to Cheiatro Academia." Camp flustered and change the topic. He must have known that his pyromaniac brother can harm me. You all can't crash me here, I'm finding away to escape this place. I just remember from this body's old memory that I saw them all, cannibal men are like zombies when they eat humans, they don't usually stop once they taste it, but these Cheiatro Princes are so different from the ordinary cannibals, they are disciplined and can constrain themselves.


I've waked up feeling the heat upstairs, I know who's doing it, little brother Will. He's being like that every day, controlling his ability or else his ability will be the one controlling over him. That kid grown up to be unknown in this palace. Cheiatro palace is not just a home of typical cannibal, we, the Cheiatro's have blood of our great-grandfathers, and grandmothers who are one of the original cannibal tribes, survived by eating humans and eating other tribes that make us pure blooded. We don't need crown or guard to be recognized, ordinary cannibal already knew us because we are the four sons of King Matteiu since early century. When I went outside, I saw Novel walking towards me saying

"Your friend Dasha went upstairs," (smiled).

"Are you out of your mind, Novel?" Dasha must be torn into ashes by now, Will can't control his impulse.

Does he want her to die?

"Camp, I know what you're thinking but won't you trust me in this? What if she's the healer."

Hopeful eyes were seen in Novel. Healer? The Rarest soul that someone can have, and there were legends that the healer can heal anyone or anything in a mysterious way. Does father already knew about the healer? Does, he probably sent her here to heal us one by one, considering the fact that I'm feeling alive because of her. There is only one possible way to know if she really is the healer... If she comes back unharmed and alive.

"Yes, Camp, let's wait here if she really is the healer."

(Hour later)

Footsteps were heard from upstairs and Dasha looked at me, I smiled knowing that she's alive, and we have found the healer right on our side.


When I looked at Dasha, she looked at me too, and that's the moment I felt my heart pumping badly. I felt the joy of silence inside me. Camp told her that we will be going to Cheiatro Academia. She went inside, her room.

"Camp, I'll be waiting front door," while Theodoro walked away.

I walk outside, pick some letters from the mailbox 'See you at the ball love, -Natalia'... The first woman who loved as well as hated me.

"The arrival of threat." I've heard that she had undone the compulsion I gave to her on the night that her sister died.


Natalia was always standing at our gate with her white horse while there are thunder and rain. I went there to check her and know what she wants.

"You want to die Madame?" I shouted (sharp eyes).

"I'm looking for Prince Novel Cheiatro, my father said that I will be marrying him when I turn 18. "Natalia Rossi" I invited her in, that time Camp went haunting in Southern Europe. We started to make a conversation with the fire, sitting on the couch. Her father was King Matteiu/Father's trusted ordinary cannibal, and they made a treaty for us to be married in the name of peace.

"I want to stare at you through eternity," she said, then closed her eyes.

She spent three days with me riding horses, talking, and takes bloodbaths together, she said that she had fallen in love. Our feelings were not mutual, for I don't love her, I see her as a younger sister. A few years later, father brought Dasha with him, emotionless. Natalia returned here with her younger sister for our wedding that I'm about to decline even if it means peace, besides a world without peace is such a boring domain.

"Natalia, intimate love is not in my dictionary, I'm sorry to decline this marriage," I seriously dictated. We heard glass cracks from upstairs, I can sense what's happening.

"Love, meet me at the Ball -Natalia" Camp read the letter with Dasha.

"Who's Natalia?" Dasha asks us, then Camp replied, "The first woman who loved this guy" (Pointing Novel). Silence was heard. (they all went inside the carriage).

Dasha POV:

The first woman who loved Novel? No wonder why she left him, he's so mean even to a lady like me...Tsskk... Why do I feel uncomfortably mad?

"Dasha, what miracle came that you're still alive after going upstairs?" Camp asks then their face change into serious mood. They must probably mean William.

"You mean why I'm not broken into pieces after William held me?" When I said, that, their eyes were shocked

"You're one especial person Dasha, a healer, you turned my humanity back as well as Novel, now you met our brother William, you might help him to embrace who he is now."

"Don't you dare go near other people beside me, or I'll eat them right in front of you." Novel's voice enters my mind so, I glared at him. We went inside our classroom; everyone is practicing for the ball except us of course who just arrived. Novel sits in the corner, opening his suit, putting his neck tie at his back.

"Let's dance, my Lady," Camp offers his hands and I just go with the flow.

"My pleasure, your human-eater, haha," (teasing him). I see many girls making a flirty stare at Novel and one girl go near him, he only ignores her. What's the problem of that man, is he not yet over his first love? Why do I even bother?

"Deep thinker, wake up!" Camp gently whispers snapping my head OUCH! I step on his foot on purpose, saying "Slowpoke!"