Chapter-11<*to the adventurer's guild *>

The next morning I got up thinking about how I was going to be traveling away from this place. I felt embarrassed for my time here but I also felt like I would miss some of my friends. Pen and Hemo did help me out and I can't hold it against them for who they are. They came to my house to get me to go work with them as they usually do early in the morning. I always suspected they only did that to steal glances at my mom, but since they had helped me out I had nothing bad to say about them.

Well, it's like the song about Stacy's mom… when she has it going on there is nothing else you can really do.

Roy: "I'm not working with you guys today."

Pen: "You stopped working half way yesterday and you're not working with us at all today? You're turning into a slacker you know!"

Roy: "I mean, I'm leaving town."

Hemo: "You're going by yourself?"

Mom walked up on me.

Mom: "No, he's leaving with me. We aren't going to be staying here any longer."

Hemo: "What but I didn't get to do it with you yet!"

Awkward silence ensued after Hemo said that before Pen hit him.

At least I know my friends didn't do it with her. Man, it takes a load off my mind. Still, a succubus does what they do. It's in their nature.

Mom: "Sorry, I can't do it with either of you since I'm Roy's mom. With the girls I can teach them in bed but there's no reason to teach boys."

Mom went over to pack up more. I was wondering how we were going to go but I figured we weren't walking when I looked on the map and saw how far the Adventure Capital was.

Hemo: "Well, Pen and I are going eventually leave this village. We're planning on being adventurers one day so we'll be going to the guild to train."

Roy: "You mean the adventurer's guild?"

Pen: "Yup. We just need to save enough money to go and leave."

Mom walked back over.

Mom: "Why don't you just leave with us and I'll introduce you to the Adventurer's Guild Master. She should be operating in the next town over right now. You're both friends of my son so I'm sure we can get someone to train you."

Hemo: "That would be great, then we can apply to become adventurers sooner!"

Pen: "Thanks Miss Xeneva!"

Mom: "You're both welcome. Roy, get your things packed, we're going to be leaving very soon. Also the both of you go and bring the things that are important and tell your parents good bye."

Hemo and Pen: "Yes ma'am!"

They went to talk to their families about their departure and mom had began to pack everything up using power I hadn't seen her use before. Mom had never shown her strength until last night when she killed that wolf in front of me. Even though she had been with me all this time she still didn't use her abilities in front of me.

Is mom really that powerful? I haven't seen a lot of magic since I came to this world and never asked mom to show me but now that I'm seeing her use those abilities it boggles me. It's not much different from how I can summon those soldiers to fight for me. I'll have to do more experiments with them later on.

When we're all packed up mom takes out a flying cloud that we all sit on. Pen and Hemo were both extremely surprised.

Hemo: "Is this magic, this is really magic?"

Mom: "Yes this is really magic."

Mom had an amused smile as the two boys reacted to it while I stood there. For some reason this wasn't that impressive to me after seeing everything else that mom had done since last night. It would stand to reason that mom is a powerful magic user that isn't as simple as I had thought and there was something more to it.

She had mentioned she was the leader of the merchant guild and the owner of a very large trading company with her daughters… or my older sisters in this case… running it while she had been here with me. Was I going to live a life where I would do nothing? That was a good question.

I mean, I don't want to suffer like some other protagonist did before due to being stupid, going out into the world and then needing his mom's to come help him every time.

Mom: "Are you all ready to go?"

Hemo: "Yes ma'am"

Pen: "Yes!"

Mom: "Alright, everyone!"

Mom put her hand in the air and a small dragon flew down. The people in the village upon seeing it were startled as a large dragon came down and nuzzled itself up to mom.

Mom: "Sylvia, it's been eighteen years hasn't it?"

Sylvia growled softly as mom placed her hand on her head. The Dragon's head was almost as large as mom but she beckoned us to come forward.

Mom: "Sylvia this is my son, make sure you remember him for the future."

Sylvia growled in approval then her large fork like tongue came out and licked my neck. She then appeared to smile… as if dragons can smile… I don't know! I've never encountered a dragon before!

Sylvia then rubbed her head against me and I put my hands over her as she looked at my face with one of her eyes. I mean… at least I think she is friendly towards me. It's hard to believe that until I met the wolf yesterday…well mom had a human form like she is showing now so it's not my fault.

Pen came forward.

Pen: "Can I touch her too?"

Mom: "Sure! Put your hand out…"

Pen put out his hand and Sylvia also nuzzled with him before Hemo came as well.

Mom: "Roy, as you know I'm going to be changing my form now."

Mom's skin turned pink as she no longer kept her human form. There were small wings coming out of her back that were barely noticeable and the allure mom now gave off seemed to make both Hemo and Pen drool even more.

Roy: "Why did you change your hair and skin color? I'm curious… I mean it seems like most people here accept you're a succubus."

Mom: "Well, I wanted to look more like someone who could be your mom. I already have the mature look, it's just I didn't have human features you had. Also you have much different facial features just like your father did."

My father was Asian in both lives… and I'm short in both lives even though my body is slightly different here. Pen and Hemo didn't seem bothered at all with how Mom looked now.

Roy: "I'm sorry to disappoint."

Mom: "Oh no you haven't disappointed me in any way."

Mom hugged me then lifted me onto the dragon.

Roy: "Mom why are you carrying me? It's embarrassing! Put me down!"

Mom didn't listen as she placed me on the dragon. Pen and Hemo gave me one of those smiles making fun of me as though I was lucky to have a beautiful woman carry me around.

Pen: "Nice!"

Hemo: "You're a lucky man!"

Roy: "Shut up!"

Do you know how embarrassing this is? First you refuse… okay I was use in a bad state last night so refusing that is okay but mom shouldn't be babying me like this in front of my friends!

Pen and Hemo hopped up on the Dragon as mom takes the position in the front to ride. Sylvia's back is large and is able to hold all of us. As for the cloud, it held all of our belongings and mom tied some reigns to Sylvia as she pulled it behind her. The cloud made everything lighter but didn't have it's own ability to propel itself.

Pen came in close and begin whispering.

Pen: "Dude, what I wouldn't give to be held close against those large pink mounds… man you're lucky bro!"

Hemo: "Man, I wish my mom was that hot!"

Roy: "You can't do stuff like that with your moms idiots!"

Pen: "Well… I can at least try to drink some milk you know? num num num"

These guys are incorrigible! Everyday they're talking and bragging about who they could sleep with. I've heard about the behinds and breasts of every girl in the village even if I haven't see or touched them myself.

Why did mom let them come.

Mom: "Pen, Hemo, I've done a brief scanning of both of your abilities and you have potential that can be trained for adventuring. Though you're both physical types so it might be better to find some partners who can use magic. Dhalia will help you when we meet her."

Roy: "Dhalia?"

Mom: "She's the leader of the Adventurer Guilds, the undisputed and highest ranking leader. Don't worry, your friends will be set but you Roy will have something else you'll need to do."

Roy: "Uh… Sure…"

Hemo: "This is great! Alright!"

Pen: "Our Adventure begins!"

The dragon soared into the sky with us on its back. The wind made it hard to hear except for mom who used magic to transmit her voice to us. I was able to open my eyes because the dragon protected our vision so we could see the landscapes.

The mountains and the green areas showed that the city itself was a long way off from the village but the dragon flew at a very high speed.

Mom: "Most of the world can't travel by dragon. If you took a carriage like a normal person from the village to the city it would take at least two weeks."

I see. Mom must be someone special after all if she can summon a dragon like this. Even though I lived with her my entire life since I got here there were still many things I didn't know about mom.

Mom: "We're almost there."

Pen and Hemo looked over the side of the dragon with their eyes full of wonderment the entire time. They seemed to be taking everything in. When I looked over everything and thought about how I didn't have the talent to be an adventurer… it dropped down the level excitement for me.

I was going to be stuck in the city wasn't I?

Mom: "Why do you look so disappointed Roy?"

Roy: "I won't be able to become an adventurer or see the world from that perspective."

Mom: "What's so great about being an adventurer? You don't have a comfortable bed to sleep and are always looking for your next job to make money. It also gets boring after a while."

Roy: "I guess. I mean I'm not surprised you were an adventurer since you know the leader of the adventurer's guild."

Mom smiled as she heard that and the dragon picked up more speed. Sylvia was more interested in getting us to the destination.

Soon a large city came into our site. It was one of those fantasy cities that had towers and other things on the front as well as walls and a large moat. At least they seemed to take the history lesson that moats prevent people from easily attacking the walls.

Sylvia began to descend and we were brought to a stop in front of a large landing area where there were other flying animals of various shapes and sizes. The Adventurer's guild was in front of us and mom smiled as she brought us in.

The outer area had a place for flying creatures to land since there were many adventurer's of higher ranks who had been able to procure flying mounts. Mom's dragon was of course the largest of them as she got off.

A light blue skinned woman came out. She was slightly shorter than both mom and I, but she was voluptuous looking. While slightly less curvy than mom she had a certain elegance to her as she wore a long sleeved maroon robes with special patterns on her.

When she smiled to greet us there were fangs in her mouth.

Mom: "Roy, this is Dhalia, she's a vampire."

I was a bit surprised and looked up at the sky with the sun clearly shining down on her. She sparkled in the sunlight.

What the hell?

Vampires are supposed to burn in a fireball, not sparkle in the sun. They're supposed to be night creatures that attack and suck blood… why is it that there are always all these strange rules in fantasy that doesn't go with it.

Dhalia: "Why are you looking at the sun?"

Roy: "Well I thought that vampires… burn in…"

Dhalia: "It's funny because your father thought the same as well."

Roy: "My father?"

Mom: "We'll talk to you a bit later Roy. Dhalia and I have some business so go along with Hemo and Pen."

Dhalia brought out a girl with armor on her. She had long scarlet hair like and a suit of shining armor.

Dhalia: "This is Chrissy. She's an A rank adventurer and will be taking Hemo and Pen to their training grounds and explaining to you how the system works. She'll also be your trainer. Roy, you should go with them. Even if you're not going to be an adventurer it's good to know how it works in case you ever need the services of the guild in the future."

Roy: "Sure."

Mom pulled me close before I left and spoke to me quietly.

Mom: "Remember not to let anyone know about your reincarnation."

I nodded then went off with them.