Chapter-15<*with moms*>

Dhalia smiled, it was a smile that said yes.

Xeneva: "When you ran into the woods I communicated with Dhalia via magic and she made this for you because she doesn't want you to be in danger ever again. It's a special ability vampires have that Succubi do not. If you want to go out and adventure with your friends you should be able too."

Wow! So I'm not going to be stuck at home like this? This is great. I can go and do things with my soldiers and build them up in secret then.

Dhalia: "Yes, this way you can form a party with Hemo and Pen."

No! I don't want that! I want to go by myself. I should just say it.

Roy: "Can't I just go by myself instead. I don't want to form a party."

Dhalia and Xeneva looked at each other then back at me.

Dhalia: "Roy, even if you have that around your neck there is no way you can explore easily on your own with your attributes. There is no way I can babysit you all the time by coming out whenever you get stuck as I have a guild to run. The amulet is to be used as a last resort, not a first line of defense. I'm quite busy during the day as the Guild Leader and I can't keep coming every time you get attacked. Plus, the magic in the amulet isn't easily replaced after the first three attacks."

Xeneva: "Form a party with your friends or I won't let you go out. I'll hire guards to follow you and make sure you don't leave the city. Roy, I want to make it clear that you don't have to go adventuring. I'll deposited gold into a bank account for you everyday so you can enjoy yourself in the safety of the city. This place is safe compared to most other cities since it's the Adventurer Headquarters. You can have fun doing anything you want. There are also plenty of young women here and a brothel if you really want to go, but you shouldn't leave the city without people you know."

I want some freedom so I can grow my army! If I go out with my party…

Roy: "I'll just stay home obediently then."

Dhalia and Xeneva looked a bit surprised.

Dhalia: "You don't want to go and travel with Hemo and Pen?"

Roy: "No… I don't want to do that. I just want to stay home a bit, how much allowance am I going to get Mom?"

Xeneva: "I'll give you a hundred gold coins a week."

Dhalia looked a bit shocked. That amount seemed to be a lot as when I saw the rewards for many requests it was at most only a few gold coins for the more difficult jobs. The easy jobs only paid copper.

Xeneva: "He's my sweet son, I can't let him go wanting for anything!"

Dhalia shook her head.

Dhalia: "Don't spoil him too much, he still has to do something to get a sense of accomplishment."

I remember a few things from reading those other novels. There are always ways to look busy and worthwhile. In a way, learning more about this world or at least pretending to would be able to grant me a certain level of freedom. I'll have to scope out the city for an opportunity.

Roy: "I want to walk around the city and see if anything interests me. Since I can't adventure then maybe learning something would be good but I want to look around."

Dhalia smiled

Dhalia: "Very well, I'll assign you two guides from the guild and Xeneva will pay them for it each day. Remember you are not to leave the city."

I'm going to test the limits of these guides, because why not? I don't want to be tied down and have my movements restricted but honestly most of my soldiers aren't even strong enough to fight against the weaker adventurers. I can't stage a fake kidnapping either.

Roy: "Okay."

Xeneva: "Well maybe he can, just hire strong guards to follow him everywhere."

Dhalia: "I guess that can work. Xeneva you go ahead and hire some and I'll take Roy home for today."

Xeneva: "See you later."

I was a bit surprised in the next moment and I never thought something like this would happen. Dhalia and Xeneva kissed each other on the lips. It wasn't the small peck but a deep kiss you'd think about when lovers kissed.

They both looked over at me after with a wry smile.

Xeneva: "Would you like to kiss us this way as well?"

Roy: "No! No… I mean… No!"

Xeneva came over and kissed my forehead.

Xeneva: "My sweet silly boy. Mommy is going to leave tomorrow after making arrangements. Have fun and stay out of danger okay? Remember, Dhalia is also your mom so treat her with that respect as well."

Roy: "Yes… mom…"

I felt Dhalia grabbing my hand and pulling me with her. She had a longing smile on her face.

Dhalia: "Come with me Roy, I'm going to take you to our home and show you around."

Xeneva: "Make sure you treat your other mom well Roy. Remember you have more than one mom. She is going to want to do things she had missed out on so you need to allow that a few times. I'll see you later my sweet son."

In an instant I felt soft lips on mine… Mom was kissing me and pushing her tongue in mouth. This surprised me. Was this something a mother should do with her child? No… I mean.. I did ask her to have sex with me last night… that was stupid. I was desperate. What does this mean though?

I thought she turned me down!

This isn't right is it? She's my mom! Wait… no this is like Dong Chen warned me about. I'm stuck in some weird world where… as crap… well I mean… she isn't blood related so I guess it's okay.

This is kind of like if a baby was birthed from a surrogate mother, grew up and later ended up following in love with the surrogate mother. It might be weird and all but she isn't blood related which means the kids won't be bad.

Or maybe it's like an old father got with a much younger stepmother who was only five or six years older than me that helped raise me while in high school but then dad died and we had sexual attraction for each other… I mean…

The kiss ended quickly and I was stunned.

Xeneva then smiled as Dhalia pulled me away… I probably read a terrible novel in my previous life and this was my punishment.

I was pulled through the city where Dhalia forcefully locked arms with me. It didn't feel uncomfortable despite the fact I wasn't familiar with her and every time someone would see us she would introduce me as her son. Almost every adventurer knew I was the 'son' of the Guild Master who was also very famous.

I introduced myself as Roy to every person I was introduced to, and Dhalia made sure to let all those close to her know who I am. It caused nervousness to well up in me every time a beautiful female adventurer was introduced to me. It's the feeling of inferiority when I realize I'm merely a human without talents.

While there were human adventurers, most of of them stopped at A class. Only adventurer's of other racesseemed to be able to go beyond S class.

We arrived at a large Mansion on a hill overlooking the city where Dhalia looked around, then sensing no one immediately princess carried me.

Roy: "Mom! What are you…"

Dhalia: "It's been so long my Darling! I wanted to carry you this way, please let mommy be happy a little bit."

Roy: "Okay…"

What else was I supposed to do? Her face brightened a bit in happiness when I didn't protest. I mean… if this makes her happy and she also helped get rid of my curse then I owe it to her right? Mother's give life and happiness to their children, and they also love their children. So like Xeneva who raised me here, she is also my mother.

Roy: "Mom?"

Dhalia: "Yes darling?"