Chapter - 25 ( Revenge )

What the hell kind of logic is that? I was a baby then, but I'm a grown man now!

Roy: "Mom, please get out, please! I'll finish soon."

Dhalia: "Oh fine Darling, how about I turn around. I'm going to teleport back to the guild anyway after I talk to you. I just came to ask you a question because you're important to me and I don't want you to feel upset. You see, your friends Hemo and Pen are both causing problems at the guild."

Roy: "Problems, why would they be causing problems, what kind of problems mom?"

Dhalia: "They're demanding a promotion in rank where they have not earned it.

Roy: "Then kick them out. I was trying to be nice to them now they want to embarrass me?"

Dhalia: "You won't be upset?"

Roy: "No mom, I won't."

Dhalia: "Thanks Darling. I'll take care of them."

Mom instantly disappeared and I took a deep breath. I looked at the amulet around my neck. This was something that allowed her to come to me even in my most embarrassing moments.

Dhalia returned to the Guild and went to find Roy's 'friends' without the fear of offending Roy. Dhalia was happy that Roy was like his father in that he was reasonable. It was rare to find anyone who was reasonable when it came to those they perceived as their friends.

Roy must have had a good upbringing in his previous life.

Generic Man: "Guild Master!"

Dhalia: "Go back to your post, I'm going to scold these two young men."

The generic man smiled and left, and it is unlikely we will see or hear of him again.

Dhalia went into the room where Hemo and Pen were sitting down. She looked at them as they both got up and kissed up to her.

Hemo: "Ah, Miss Dhalia, Roy's mother. You're so beautiful today."

Pen: "Mrs. Dhalia, we were simply asking for a better job but they wouldn't give any to us."

Dhalia was amused, but she was merciless. She used magic to shut their mouths then she spoke.

Dhalia: "Both of your Adventure rankings and registrations are hereby revoked. I cannot stop you from adventuring on your own but you will not be able to collect rewards or have the privileges of an Adventurer to travel from this day forward."

The two of them wanted to respond but found themselves unable to. Their mouths were shut and they realized Dhalia had shut them up. As they struggled Dhalia summoned fear and intimidation around her which made the both of them cower.

Dhalia: "I don't want to hear your excuses. You cannot use my son's name to try and get benefits. Do I make myself clear?"

The voice Dhalia used was stern and angry. Both Hemo and Pen nodded while sweating as the wave of intimidation washed over the both of them.

Dhalia: "Good, you are dismissed."

The two of them ran out of the guild running towards the mansion. They wanted to see Roy right away. Hemo banged on the door which Catherine answered.

Hemo: "Is Roy in?"

Catherine looked up the stairs.

Catherine: "He is in, please take a seat and I will go and call him."

I was finally done using the restroom. I'm glad my dad figured out how to use magic to make toilets here because without them I would be very uncomfortable. Medieval worlds normally have poor hygiene, but this wasn't the case here.

Catherine walked on by.

Catherine: "Master Roy, you have guests."

Roy: "Who?"

Catherine: "Two young men, one calls himself Hemo and the other Pen."

Those guys again.

Roy: "I'll go down and greet them now."

As I walked down stairs I found that Hemo and Pen did not have happy looks on their face. Probably has something to do with the conversation with Dhalia when she intruded on my resting time.

Hemo: "Roy tell us why your mom is being such a b****."

Wait, did you just call Dhalia something you shouldn't have? Are you really going to say that about my mom. She takes care of me and she even helped you get trained and this is what you're saying? It's utterly disrespectful!

Roy: "Don't say that about my mom!"

Pen: "But that's how she was! She took away our Adventurer registration and said we're no longer part of the guild! Look at all our equipment, you bought this equipment for us to explore and she took it away!"

I just wasn't having this anymore. They're spoilt brats. They helped me out a with work growing up but once they learned I was the son of some big shots they changed. The strange nature of how how new expectations for someone else's status changes their view on them. Not to mention they were just trying to get closer to Xeneva the entire time. The lust was always in their eyes.

Roy: "I'm done."

Hemo: "What do you mean? We helped you whenever you needed help growing up! Don't you remember? When you struggled with chores we helped you. Are you saying you're turning your back on us after all we've done for you?"

Total Bull S***!

Xeneva didn't need the money. I went to work with you guys because I didn't have anything else to do and I was bored. I enjoyed hearing all your talk about the best booty and the nicest hangers. It's only because you learned who my moms were that you're treating me this way now.

Roy: "Our friendship is over."

I took all the coins that were in my bag. I had 47 coins left that I hadn't spent yet. Gold coins were worth so much. All the work I got helped with on the farm for those years I grew up with them only amounted to a few gold coins.

Hemo: "After all we've been through you're going to end it just like that? After all we talked about? All the time we hung out?"

You guys tried to set me up with Mary who wasn't even in love with me. You think I'm going to forget that? No point in arguing though, I've dealt with people like this before. They never stop talking about how great all the little things they did were.

Roy: "No, we're done. I'm not your friend anymore. All the times you helped me with work, I'm paying you back now. Here is the purse, it's got 47 gold coins in it. It's far more than all the unskilled work we did in the village together. Take it and get out. I don't want to see either of you anymore!"


Hemo: "You're doing this to us? You bastard! After everything we've been through?"

I could only sigh.

Pen seemed to be very angry and started walking towards me. I felt threatened because he could use magic. Catherine suddenly stepped in front.

Catherine: "Please do not approach Master Roy."

Catherine stood firm as Pen was stopped in his tracks.

Pen: "Out of the way lady! Out of my bloody way! I need to teach my friend a lesson for betraying us!"

These guys are seriously unreasonable. I can't believe it… Whatever I'm tired of this. It would have been nice to have some buddies to hang out with but I never felt comfortable around them. It's probably better this way. I touched the necklace mom gave me. I'll use it if I have too.

Catherine: "I'm warning you, if you keep approaching I'm going to have to put hands on. It is the duty of the head maid to protect the master's children."

No Catherine you don't have to. I'm going to call mom and–

Pen: "You asked for it you old hag!"

Pen stepped forward but Catherine stopped him with her finger then–


A loud slapping sound was heard as she began to slap Pen on the face back and forth. Hemo then came to help.

Hemo: "Fine, then I'm going to teach you a–"


Hemo got slapped as Catherine continued to hit him as well. This was rather surprising. The old maid is stronger than those two men, and Hemo is kind of big and imposing as well. Even though they're supposed to be my friends it kind of felt good to see… but that means this old maid could slap me around easily as well.

That's the person who cooks eggs really well. I can only sit by and laugh. This world sucks but at least she's getting rid of them.

Several more slaps occurred and both their faces were red and swollen. I stood there in front of them.

Roy: "If you were really my friends, you wouldn't try to put me or anyone in my family in a difficult position. That's not what friends do to each other. Take the money and go, it's more than worth all the 'help' you gave me when we were in the village."

Hemo picked up the purse, he didn't say anything but I could tell he was angry. The two of them left. They were vulgar individuals who couldn't keep their mouth shut when they saw a nice butt. It's one thing to talk about it in private but they lacked the delicateness.

Roy: "Catherine, thanks for helping me."

Catherine: "It was very much my pleasure Master Roy."

Catherine was smiling. She definitely enjoyed that, but now I'm stuck behind a bunch of woman. I haven't met another male since I got here. It's like what Superboy8338 or whatever his name was commented. The main character needs a bro he can sit back and talk with and those two just weren't cutting it, they even tried to make a move on Xeneva who is supposed to be my mom.

Not to mention I don't even know if I can find a bro even. I don't even know why I remember those comments on the website and I have no idea what is going to happen here.

Catherine bowed then took her leave and I went back to my room to read more books. These next few days are going to be boring with me just waiting for my soldiers to come back. I need to use them wisely to make better progress with the army this time.